Year in Fic 2007

Jan 01, 2008 17:11


Sex by Proxy. RPF, Joss Whedon/Kristen Bell, Kristen Bell/Tina Majorino. Tina won't be on set at the time, so Kristen is going to have to be the one to give Joss Whedon oral sex for her.

Watcher, Ret. Bufy the Vampire Slayer, Xander/Giles/Oz. They are Watchers, retired.

Makes Three. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Ender's Game, Wesley, Valentine & Peter.

She Whose Blood Makes the Glory of the General. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Torchwood, Beatrice DeCosta (OFC) & Gwen Cooper.


Chasing after Train Wrecks. Veronica Mars, Madison/Gia. Madison seems to have picked up Lilly's attraction to train wrecks.

Just Skin. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Amanda/Vi, Faith/Dawn. Potentials "come together" in times of crisis, but Dawn knows it's just skin.

Beauty in the Dark. Into the Woods, Cinderella/The Witch. Their beauty doesn't matter in the dark.

The First Time Is Not the End of the World. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Amanda/Vi. ""So, um, you ever do this before?"


The Whipping Girl. Ender's Game, Peter/Valentine. He loves her for her martyrdom.

Unfathomable Youth. Angel, Lilah/Eve. Eve can't quite be controlled, but it is Lilah's job to try.

Not With a Bang, But a Whimper. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Darla/Buffy, Darla/Dru, Buffy/Immortal. History of a love that wasn’t; moments from ten years of an AU Buffy.

Running. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawn & Xander. They are running, from many different things and to many different places, together.


Eastertide. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Madelyn Summers & Ethan Rayne. When resurrections are commonplace, why can't they come in threes?

The Army Chaplain. Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Serenity, Mal/Caleb. The Shepherd is dining on lamb tonight. Written for the Minor Character round of maleslashminis.

Incurable (The "All You Zombies" Remix). Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter/Firefly, Minerva McGonagall/Rupert Giles/River Tam, Winifred Burkle/Kaywinnit Lee Frye. She knows there is only one person who can find, and save, her. Remix of Incurable by wisdomeagle, written for remixredux. Il miglior fabbro.


Apparently, I wrote no fic in May. This is of the sad.


Tears. Fairy tales, Gretel/Witch. The witch told Gretel if she kept on crying she would have no teats left, but the girl would not listen. Written for my Cross-gen/Incest Porn Battle.

The Flower Garden (of a Vicious Ice-Cold Bitch). Astonishing X-Men, Emma Frost/Kitty Pryde. There are some things from which one cannot hide, some times when one just has to try anyway, and some people one would never admit one needs. Kitty and Emma act out a scene from "The Snow Queen." Written for sionnain's prompt in innumerablehues.


Tomorrow Will Be Dying. Firefly. Simon's contacts had given him some information about what River may have been put through, and he had been prepared for the worst. He was ready to see River an unrecognizable stranger, a shell of the sister he had known and loved. What he had not prepared for--but in retrospect he certainly should have--was to find her an unrecognizable stranger who was really, really hot. Simon/River, Simon/Kaylee.


Where the River Meets the Dawn. BtVS/Firefly. Serenity drops out of the heavens onto a Santa Monica beach, and an insane Reader meets a Key. Dawn/River.

What the Caged Bird Feels. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Watcher's Council has been staying out of Ethan's business for years now. Which is exactly why he has to insert himself into theirs. Dawn/Giles, Dawn/Ethan.


Two Lost Little Girls. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Two lost little girls have at last found their way. Faith/Drusilla. Listen to me read this story.

I'm Awfully Fond of You. X-Men movieverse. Bobby has to choose between his girlfriend and a rubber ducky. Somehow, he still almost manages to choose wrong. Luckily, Kitty's there to set him straight. Bobby/Rogue, Kitty/Mindee. Listen to me read this story.

Black Queen, White Queen. X-Men movieverse. When Jean's powers become erratic after Liberty Island, Xavier calls on an ally for help. Jean/Emma, Jean/Phoenix.


My Girlfriend is a Telepath, X-Men movieverse, Kitty Pryde/Mindee Cuckoo, Bobby/Rogue. What it's like to be dating one-third of the Three-in-One. Sequel to I'm Awfully Fond of You.

The Road to Shur, Buffy comicsverse, Buffy/Faith. Faith's European tour, with flashbacks. Written for wisdomeagle in femslash_minis.


Science Lessons, Buffy, Fred/Giles. Giles' understanding of science is dismal, and Fred does something about it. With spanking. Written for the 40 or Better exchange.
In Times of War, Buffy. A future Council must turn to the past for guidance.

Up, Up, and Away, DC Comics, Barbara Gordon + Linda Danvers + Kara Zor-El. A package on a doorstep; a phone call from a woman who sees everything; a link to the past.


The Hurricane, The 4400, Maia + Kevin/Tess. The war for the future will be fought in the past, but there's one thing the future hasn't accounted for. And the thing about one thing is, it usually leads to another. My main assignment for yuletide.

The State of Nature, Bourne trilogy, Pamela Landy/Nikki Parsons. "Without a legitimate authority of, by, and for the people, we are in the state of nature: alone, able to trust no one." A stocking suffer for yuletide.

Proof, Arcadia, Thomasina/Septimus. They discuss the nature of their relationship. A stocking suffer for yuletide.

In Soviet Russia, Femslash Writes You, Heroes RPF, Kristen Bell/Hayden Panettiere. Celebrities roleplaying, in a zoo, as spies. For prettylightsfic.
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