I can has reveal, part 2.

Jan 01, 2008 16:28

Here’s a bit of auto-ethnography for you by the way - look how careful I am to avoid saying Claire/Panettiere is an attractive woman, and to suggest that her attractiveness forms any part of my viewing pleasure. [. . .] For a male fan or scholar to explain his fandom of a cult text in terms of “Claire Bennet is hot!” (even jokingly) would conjure up all kinds of negative connotations and sad stereotypes of a guy in a dark room with a screen full of cheerleader pics and a floor scattered with Kleenex. But it’s not unusual for a female fan or female fan-scholar to add, perhaps lightheartedly, “and it doesn’t hurt that the main characters are totally cute guys!” or admit that she writes slash because she’s turned on by the idea of those cute guys getting it on. I wonder how it would sound if I said I wrote stories about Claire and her hot cheerleader friends romping in the locker room. I don’t think it would be celebrated as an example of resistant fan creativity. -- Will Brooker
Okay, so for prettylightsfic I wrote In Soviet Russia, Femslash Writes You, which is Heroes RPF, Kristen Bell/Hayden Panettiere. And for those of you going, "But Alixtii doesn't even watch Heroes!" (as Cadence did when she nonetheless guessed correctly), you're right. I had only seen the series premiere when I got the assignment, although I did have the first season on my Netflix queue and thus moved the first disc up my Netflix queue (alongside Ice Princess, which fortunately had Hayden in the cast commentary). So now I've seen the first two episodes? Something like that.

Anyway, I knew from the beginning I'd be a pain to match, and so much love to dirty_diana for putting up with me and making sure I got an assignment I could write and a fic I'd enjoy.  Femslash in usual was in short supply, so she gave me a choice between writing Heroes femslash involving Kristen, who I'd written before, and Firefly m/m. (There might have been a het possibility as well?) Anyway, I jumped at the chance to write Kristen/Hayden.

The recipient wanted Kristen and Hayden hanging out and being adorable, and I thought about a way to make that meta (in the way all my RPF is), and I came up with Kristen and Hayden pretending to be spies at the zoo.


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