Inspired by
this article, I am going to write my most memorable compliments (+ little anecdotes to go with them). Enjoy!
"I don't want to go home without you." - Cafa (my brother) when he was little even though I bullied him all the time, 2003
"You are a good listener." - Fitri a.k.a. Phitoel after her heartfelt sharing about her crush, 2004
"Just because I don't like you doesn't mean you're not my friend." - Gina after sending me a chain mail about friendship, 2005
"You have such a beautiful voice, even better than Dina." - Yandra referring to the songstress in the class, 2005
"You look, sound and seem like your mother. Exactly like her." - everyone who knows my Mom, since I hit puberty
"Bivi's (artistic) style is so Bivi, isn't it?" - my best friends about my drawings, 2007
"I think you actually have an ideal body, not too fat, not too thin." - Cindy even though I feel she's so petite and cute, 2010
"You are prettier than me!" - Akita (my sister) even after our lifetime of people telling me she's the pretty one, 2010
"Of course I still love you." - Firu every time we fight and in spite of his irritation, 2010-now
"You're not born here? But your German is very good!" - every German I meet in Germany after only a few months of living there, 2011-2014
"What a beautiful girl. The sun just shines with you." - a street cleaner at Firu's house upon my walking out the door, 2011
"You're always so kind to me, I want to give back some kindness too." - Dan Li every time she gives me free sushi from her job, 2011-2012
"You are so much more mature than your age." - Anne every other day, 2012
"I laughed but I actually thought, 'You don't know, Daus and Bivi are inseperable.'" - Kynann after his ex's jealous rampage towards me, 2013
"I believe in you, how can you not believe in yourself?" - Dad after my mental breakdown, 2014
"You brave girl, you!" - Kathy on my surgery and my homecoming before finishing my studies, 2014
Otherwise, people usually tell me that I'm creative, brave and smart. I really love to hear people acknowledge all my strong points, especually when they tell me of my kindness - which I didn't know I had. There might be a bunch of different compliments all throughout my life and I can't remember them all but they also mean to me, obviously. I'm not one of those people who don't know how to take a compliment. I mean, even if I know I'm smart or I'm creative, if you tell me that I am, I will still be super happy to hear it. Thank you for everything you've said to me. Little do you know, it's all shaped my self-esteem and got me to this point of my life. And I can't be happier.