Hsin Yeow's thoughts: Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
Scoff all you want, but Disney songs add a particular touch of fantasy and magic to weddings.
Mei Ling is surely a fan of Disney musicals, because she chose Can You Feel The Love Tonight? (from
The Lion King),
Beauty And The Beast and Somewhere Out There (from
An American Tail).
It was a challenging task to perform these songs by myself; thankfully, I had Matthew as my keyboardist. His talented fingers wove a intricate tapestry of music which gave me room to interpret the songs in my own way.
The evening was made all the more special when Cyril, the romantic groom, decided to surprise Mei Ling by singing a song! He chose a 新谣 (loosely translated as Singapore Folk Music) classic called 你的倒影 (Your Shadow). Even though he was singing to a crowd of very 200 people, his confident delivery drew enthusiastic applause from the guests.
Congratulations Cyril and Mei Ling! Thank you for engaging us to brighten your evening with live music!
P.S. Special thanks to Jeffrey, the banquet manager, for being so friendly, and plying us with drinks throughout the night!
Band: Hsin Yeow, Matthew
L-R: Hsin Yeow, Cyril, Mei Ling, Matthew
Till The End (1st march-in), Masterpiece, 雨过天晴 (After The Rain), Close To You, Beauty And The Beast, Somewhere Out There, Paint My Love, Lovin' You, 豆浆油条 (Soya Bean and Fritters), 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart)
Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Shower Me With Your Love, Love Me, The Wedding, Beautiful In My Eyes, Tonight I Celebrate My Love, The Way You Look At Me, My Valentine, 嫁给我 (Marry Me), 追 (Chase), 爱是永恒 (Love Is Eternal)
Song To Recommend:
雨过天晴 - I fell in love with the melody upon first listen, so I was excited to be able to perform it at a wedding!
Wedding Tip:
Perform to your spouse on your wedding day!