a day where i am happy because:
- i got a full night's sleep,
- i had a nice late breakfast with my former roommate who just moved out but obviously we're keeping in touch,
- i listened to the song i recorded last night and posted to thesixtyone.com/alanna and liked it (at least for what it was),
- i cleaned my bedroom and swept and mopped all the community floor space in my apartment which gave me the opportunity to run around the living room playing air-guitar on my broom to "all along the watchtower,"
- i updated my resume and submitted myself to a few new things,
- while doing so i got an email from a company inviting me to audition for their future production of hamlet,
- i did some aimless net time-wasting but it didn't take all day and i had fun,
- i now have an iphone and i don't know how i lived my life without shazam,
- facebook is far less annoying when the language is set to "pirate",
- my grandmother's plant's first bloom has opened and there are more opening very soon,
- and now i am talking to my friend in seattle and my room is clean and it is clear outside and i am happy.