Mar 02, 2011 22:51


Goddamn I'm a slack poster sorry guys, I got a little obsessed. BUT IT IS DONEEEEEE!!!

We did an awesome Xena x Tron crossover group because of the nudge nudge Identity Disc x Chakrum similarities. Got Best in Show so we'll probably split the free ride to Melbourne.

Myself as Quorra and arlo_arleh as the Siren

God, hardest costume to date.

Armaggedon this year was a vast improvement from last year's truly dismal 'vendor's fair'. It was very much a Supanova knock off, with the same lay out and vendors etc but with far less people, and far less costumers to be seen.

It DID however have David Hewlett, love of my life:

Who was interesting and funny and just a man I adore above all else, and when I turned up in my Paprika Chiba normie outfit to take a picture with him thought I looked like a sexy school teacher and said he felt like he was being naughty and should be punished or something judging by my outfit. *swoon*

It also had Callisto and Gabrielle from Xena:

And I swear to god Renee O'Connor has found the fountain of youth because she has not AGED.

And they were also the reason why queencattabby decided to spend THEIR two months making the awesomest Xena costumes to ever walk this earth.

As a general review of the con, the vendors were plenty and had some interesting stuff (though no Comics, more figurines). There were dodge-em cars and teacups for you to ride, and clearly most of their budget was spent on guests. The cosplay competition therefore suffered from lack of budget, and little from unclear rules.

It was a pre-judged process at 10:30AM, so the on stage didn't count. Unfortunately a music festival also decided to be held on this day so no skits COULD be heard in the pre-judging room anyway. We had to very carefully stipulate a need video for our skit before it could be obliged, and even then it was a fight to get to perform it.

The prize for the comp is Best in Show for the Trans Tas which equaled ONE free ticket for Melb, which is turning out hard to split, and the rest of the prizes was only a certificate. So that is definitely something to be improved on in Armageddon's corner.

The positives however of the comp, the organisers provided their own professional photographer (who was great, good to work with, took great photos, really knew how to get the best out of your costumes). They also had a room to put your debris of stuff that wasn't a generic cloak room. Weirdly enough there was no weapons policy to speak off, Gabrielle walked around with her staff alllll day and guns and gigantic props were all around. The organisers also, were very nice and willing to explain their format really helpful when it came down to giving advice and helping the cosplayers in the competition. That said, it did seem a tad disorganised and there was definitely a lack of reward which made doing costumes worth it.

But I did enjoy my Saturday where I was super normal and did completely normal, unstressful things like, buy dvds! take photos! look at panels! It was a nice change from the rush of every other con where I had to get ready by so and so, prereg, spend the rest of the day angsting about skit, perform the skit, take photos, leave. I was so chillax.

Xena with tickets:


Lol camera fail. He's off to hunt yet another day.

A Poison Ivy cosplayer:

Army guys I have no idea what game they were from but they were cool :

Stormtroopers the little Darth was SO CUTE:

Girls with big dresses whom I chased to get a photo of their awesome costumes:

Steampunk dude, always a joy to see someone so dedicated even when they're older:

Kit the talking Knight Rider car that kind of just... sat there. It didn't event talk!:


Kenny as City Hunter:

Not the Jackie Chan version though sadly.

Rena as Legolas

And this picture makes so much sense, except none at all.

arlo_arleh being creepy as Paprika haha:


Anddd a Boba Fett Chicken because wtf man, wtf.

On Sunday we were all stress puppies. Arleh had HOT GLUED her velcro onto her costume (I cannot believe that goddamn worked). Meanwhile I shorted out TWICE. And had to get t8_steve to solder me back in, cue my wangsting since it's no easy thing to get yourself to light up. Arleh's costume again, had no problems (besides the occasional sweat stain) despite 50% of it being done the night before nnngh.

We decided not to go with a Gem wig since it was just too complicated to fit on her head that morning, and her normal hair looks just as good, so we hairstyled that into the Brown haired Siren's look instead.

Turned out really well I think.

Collectively over the weekend Arleh had around 3.5 hours sleep and I and queencattabby had around 6. Understandably we were floating around in that weird exhausted high for most of the day. Arleh said her three eyelashes felt like bricks. So when she didn't look ravishing she looked like a zombie.

Meanwhile I couldnt sit down properly and had to have one leg out, ready to trip anyone walking by so as to not stress my EL wire (Though it shorted out ANYWAY FFFFFF)

t8_steve photobombing there in the background.



I really like this shot. Too bad my camera is so shit house. I might spruce it up a bit in photoshop later:

Ah, pretentious disc shots no tron cosplay can escape them.

Also I totes lit up in the dark.

Our awesome Xena Legacy Group:

And a crack shot!

Check out some better shots of us at Bubby's Smug Smug here: Woo

And some awesome shots Beethy did of Arleh's costume here at his DA: Here and Here and Here

More shots coming from Gunther Hang who did our studio portraits later and they looked really awesome, I really hope I see this photographer around more since he was simply lovely to work with.

Xena bids you goodbye:

See how I made it Here!

cosplay, tron, armaggedon

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