Jul 09, 2009 22:31

Okay so once again I'm kind of epically late, but I was trying to get photographs off our friend who essentially took all of our photos with his SLR. Mine turned out all blurry and hilarious.


This year's Supanova actually felt a bit like a blur, since we were working off no sleep for pretty much the entire weekend, it was that hysterical phase of WHAT ARE WE GONNA DOOOOOOOOOOOOO all the night before, as myself, arlo_arleh and our sometime partner Tara prepared for Saturday's Spirited Away Cosplay.

See, I'm usually the one who has to kick ass with the two laze abouts. Tara who showed up, usually with half her costume done on the night before going, "Sorry guys, there was an Incident. I call it, A Life." And I would be all GRRRRR. This time she was our Kamaji, and lo and behold, no hands or face done when she showed up night before haha.

This time Arleh had the best deal, Haku Dragon was done, so she spent the night mostly working on the giant Chicken and then HILARIOUSLY figuring out her latex ears for HakuSpock. In which I had to make Aluminium foil cast of her ear and then she would latex it until it looked Vulcan. Only when I alo-ed her she shrieked and discovered she had a previously unknown weakness of being ticklish behind her ears. So I spent the better part of 15 minutes holding her down by force as she laughed and wept and cried ear-rape. I was pretty much in hysterics over this too.

But then I decided to make a new Chihiro costume for the day since the other one doesn't actually fit the scene we're doing. AND SO I set about sewing an entire 16th century Yukaka from scratch in one night. Thank god no one can see the inside seams of the inside white outfit, they were truly outrageously horrifying. The outer bit I'm super proud of though. I can totally be on project runway you guys.

So after some minor panic where we were all, OMG ARE WE TOO LATE FOR COSPLAY REGO (and ending up calling everyone we knew who would be there full of D:) we finally did get inside.

Arleh proceeded to latex on some loltastic eyebrows to complete her look.

And we sewed on some invisible thread for Kamaji's awesomesauce hands (Tara did so well, girl has miracle powers).

Didn't get to see much of the convention this year apart from the cosplay. Felt the same kind of crowded and full of the freaks and geeks I love so much. The food was over priced etc etc, but the ticketing process did seem a little smoother.

STILL NO CLOAKROOM. FOR WHICH I AM VERY VEXED. I thought they would've fixed this since last year. It's to the point we don't MIND paying money, we're bring like 5 bags of shit for cosplay, we need places to STORE DAMMIT!!! It's the one thing I really dislike about Supanova.

My D: face, let me show you it:

I was a little confused by the cosplay process this year as the marshalling wasn't by order-registered, or by group, or by name or by anime! I had no idea how they came up with that order.

Sound was good on stage I thought. Also the MC was fantastic. Full of Energy, and while last year I understand they couldn't get a proper one, this year showed the marked difference between organisers, and actors who can get on and dramaticise.

And We won BEST SKIT! Hard work and plying to the lowest common denominator works!

That's us cringing in horror at our own skit recorded lol.

I admit, Arleh thought up that skit, because if we could ever do a stupid Star Trek Skit, THIS was the time and place to do it. And we had an inkling going for popular opinion wasn't bad. Since Star Trek is AWESOME. It's like the second coming of Fandom. You can't resist that gravitational pull.

And we met up with friends. (Lol back of Catty's head)

And was all



Yeah, take it.

Spock got his Gangsta on with Elphaba and zombie:

While I went around and took some cosplay pics

Kenny the Beautiful Butterfly:

Sailor PLUTO!

In fact the whole Sailormoon Gang!

Beautiful Ladies:

My Homegirl Hayley and her Zero Suit

Tetris Porn


This girl who was awesome:

Yeah, I didn't manage to get many pics this year, what you gonna do about it?!

(God this picture makes me lol, I was all, ANGRY VULCAN FACE LETS DO IT)

Now Blue STeel! 1,2,3 FIERCE:

(Not Quite)

Anyways, A buttload of pics to be found here from mostly my friend Cam's camera Here

Spock Out.

*Transporter noise*

cosplay, spirited away, supanova

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