So... dreamwidth...

Apr 19, 2009 17:23

Everyone has been going mad for Dreamwidth recently. It is, essentially a a journaling system much like LJ, but with a lot of the horrifying suckitude of LJ vacuumed out, and the existing LJ code streamlined.

That's how it was explained to me, and me, being a person that doesn't accept change easily looked at that explanation and went, how does that... actually affect me, or y'know, make sense in my very small blogging world?

So I did my due diligence, took a poke around Dreamwidth using Open ID, and found it... pretty much exactly like the LJ I've become accustomed to, which is both comforting, and not... incentivising, since GreatestJournal came and went, Insane Journal came and went, and Journal Fen is still going strong (mostly because of Fandom Wank), there are already many choices to you to journal elsewhere, and at its surface value, Dreamwidth looks exactly like the others.

NOW however, thanks to THIS POST which is the first that actually gives me easy bullet points for what DW will be and is NOT, I'm kind of excited.

The changes behind DW look logical and sensible. And that's attractive. But I'll still fence sit for a while whether to bother getting yet another puppet account.


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