This week I've started on my New Year's Resolution of Finding Myself A Job At All Cost.
So far, three rejections and one potential rejection still pending. I suck at this. I will never find gainful employment, and will end up having to whore myself on the streets. Sources tell me that this is profitable.
At least fandom has been wonderful lately in deliverying CANON greatness.
Such as Torchwood owning up to be the greatest crossover slash fiction ever.
JackxSpike the youtube video. It was even hotter than I had anticipated.
And how much am I looking forward to Sweetney Todd?
Johnny Depp lathering up Alan Rickman in the same film. I may simply fall over dead as I watch this because my life's dream has now been fulfilled.
maldoror_gw has also started a new One Piece fic series,
Alienation where Kaku is 'bamf'ed into our world. And usually, this would be the sort of premise that would warrant an immediate back click, but it's Mal, so of course it's done as intriguingly realistic and as wittily as possible, I have ABSOLUTE FAITH it will be mind blowing. Plus, the idea is the sort of guilty pleasure crossover everyone likes to imagine on rainy days. Kaku! In our world (but not the US!) Go read and join me in my glee! \o/