The best thing to do while being sick is reading exponentially long fic while listening to podfic

Dec 14, 2007 14:25

Random links I found cool: Chocobos! They existed! I wish I had lived in a time where I would ride on giant birds.

Screw high tech gig drives and wireless thingymabobs... I want a steampunk laptop. Beyond awesome.

Cloud porn that has nothing to do with ffvii in any way/shape/form.

SGA recs because I have done nothing all day except being miserable and the only cure for that is reading slash fic while listening to slash podfic. Yes.

Mostly Speranza's Written by the Victors which I can't recommend highly enough, and undoubtedly most of you have gorged yourself on it already. But I practically stuffed myself in one go with this fic. And then I proceeded to experience it all over again, for 5 wistful hours, with the podfic by lim. This is totally a healthy use of time.

I'm starting to collect podfics. One of these days, when people ride in my car all they will see are cds labelled unobstrusively and hear the breathy strains of Rodney porn through my windows.

Satisfaction by hth-the-first and linabean
Pairing: Rodney/Ronon
Rating: NC-17
Tantalising summary or how-it-was-completely-sold-to-me: THE BEST DAMN 18,000 WORD NC-17 ROMANTIC COMEDY ABOUT IMPOTENCE YOU WILL READ ALL YEAR! (And by "best," we mean "only.")
Why: See summary.

On that note I am now going to listen to the Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose audiobook. And spend the next few hours willfully crying my eyes out because this fic has never failed at making me break down hysterically.

sga, recs, fandom

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