... I give up.

May 21, 2006 01:56

FFVII from soldiersmut where I am currently lurking like a slobbering fangirl. Soldiers in leather is practically my ideal situation In Life. Yet more in my ffvii binge. FFVII as you can see, is my new binge fandom, where I can't help but look for porn, and of course, the porn always turns up when I have something due. My 'break' from my essay has lasted... 6 hours now. *writhes in shame* Third post tonight. Yikes.

Mostly Sephiroth x Zack

The Other Eternal Question by misskalloway
Pairing: Zack/Angeal's Penis
Rating: Meaty
Why: I have no idea who or WHAT Angeal is, but I am now a convert to his wang. But as I understand it, he's part of Core Crisis, the new game in the FFVII-verse, he's the one second on the left (no idea whose the one furthest on the left). Kudos to the mention to the dubious 'clothing' part of Sephiroth's costume. I'm sure he wears it to rub against his nipples too. Does anyone else realise those are cross bars on his chest? It's like Sephiroth is wearing portable bondage.

Goods by animekittysama
Pairing: Angeal/Sephiroth/Zack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Zack has a question, and his superiors have an answer
Why: Angeal's wang. A sauna. Sephiroth. Zack's question can only lead to porn. Soldier smut always does me in, no matter what fandom. I am SHEEP to this. Baa.
Passion by misskalloway
Pairing: Cloud x Kadaj
Rating: NC-17
Why: Post-AC Cloud is hard to write, and I'm always slightly in love with those authors that strike the best balance between Cloud normal state of omg!emo, and his brighter, not-unhappy self after AC. I've also grown a little attached to Kadaj, and I love how he's so *complete* here even without his two other halves. I love how sweet this is, the emphasis on memories is the perfect theme to dwell on considering it is the main part of AC's drama. Makes me happy to see Cloud happy.

No Normal Sword by misskalloway ... and I'm starting to see a pattern here no?
Fandom: Ehrgeiz/FFVII (No idea what the latter is, but from what I understand of it, it is game that also has FFVII characters)
Pairing: Zack x Sephiroth
Rating: NC-17
Why: SWORDPORN. Swordporn with Sephiroth and Zack topping! I thought I couldn't love this fandom any harder but obviously I was wrong. Sadly, the sword in question isn't Masamune, but that doesn't take away from my glee at all, because well written smut where Sephiroth bottoms without being a total uke ala doujinshi is pratically non-existant. Also, Zack is the only one who can top him (except now, maybe also Angeal?). This does a lot for me.

Borderline by animekittysama who responded to the above... and damned if this isn't a pattern I enjoy.
Pairing: Sephiroth x Zack
Rating: NC-17
Why: Another after-death fic, that doesn't entirely incorporate AC, but it works in it's own special way.

Fake Real Person Slash by animekittysama At this rate, I'm pretty much reccing everything from that community, really.
Rating: Not Brainsafe.
Tantalising Quote: “Daddy! It’s General Sephiroth - only the most amazing man, ever.” She rolled her eyes and continued to gush over the screen.

Shaking his head, he muttered, “That’s not a man. In my day, men didn’t go around in leather outfits with ass-length hair. I appreciate his service, but I can’t stand how he gets plastered all over the news and in my paper.”
Why: Oh, I choked and laughed and pretty much *died* Fake RPS about Seph and Zack is comedy gold, and their fake fangirls! This has the best last line ever, it made me spray my drink absolute everywhere.

Warfare by animekittysama
Rating: PG-13 if you don't know what's going on, NC-17 if you do.
Summary: Conquest comes in many different forms.
Why: I LOVE that this is an extended metaphor, I love how sensual and crazily sexy it is without ever being explicit. It also made me giggle insanely because I can JUST imagine Zack writing this up in a report to Shinra and Sephiroth returning it to him, eyebrows disappearing in his hair going, "This isn't what I meant by putting more details in your reports soldier." HEE. HEE I SAY.

Approaching Ragnarok bypaxnirvana
GEN... and heartbreakingly so. Seph x Zackish
Rating: PG-13
Why: Completely forgot that Pax was into FF long before Naruto or even One Piece, but lo and behold, she was, and this is a clear example of her mastery of the written word once again. One of the only fics that effectively manages to convey a possible motive for Sephiroth becoming more and more unbalanced by not being obvious about it. The Almosts and What Ifs hit you with such clarity. Great characterisation all around.

recs, ffac, ffvii

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