Crossovery stuff! Whee. I've been busy... not doing my essays, OH GOD WHAT AM I TO DO.
Chasing Sheppard by
scrunchyPairing: Rodney/John
Rating: R for language
Why: AU where Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy is displaced and resettled over SGA's personalities. I was surprised how well this was done without stealing that much dialouge, how funny and witty and surprisingly GOOD it all fit together. The tone in perfect and I was both laughing my head off and holding back sniffles. Read it because anything that combines Askinverse and SGA HAS to be good.
More SGA Crossover goodness:
The Lost Colony by Joolz
Fandoms: SGA/NUMB3RS
GEN, friendship
Rating: PG-13
Summary:In the Pegasus Galaxy they’ve found a puzzle that only one man can solve. The Eppes brothers go traveling.
Why: I was never that into Numb3rs, but the pure joy of Numb3rs comes from the fact you don't NEED to know that much about it, just that Don and Charlie are brothers, and they love each other (... platonically?) very much and Charlie is a MATH WHIZ. What made this one special is that very few fics makes me truly WANT to watch Numb3rs, and love SGA all over again. I love the geekery in this, the meeting of the geniuses (genii HAHA, oh, that pun is horrible.) which manages to avoid the cliches. The characters and relationships mesh so surprisingly well, and I personally, got very caught up with the mystery of the Ancient Math Wall. An excellent plausible account of two characters going into Atlantis. Out of any fandom, I have to say Numb3rs is the most likely to have a character go there legitimately because there's smart, and then there's S-M-R-T.
FFAC fandom meta.
So I'm kind of terribly disappointed with fandom and their negative reactions to the FFAC dub, because honestly I love it. Sure I have problems with some of the voices (coughMarlene'scough) but overall, the lines and sleazy ingenuity outweighs the bad. The sleaze factor of anything said in the english language completely MAKES that movie. Yazoo, as the nanciest nance to ever nance is perfect, I can't recount how many times me and my friends have played back that entire opening conversation: "Kadaj, do you think brother's here?" "YEAH". Rude's "You love it, I know," beats out all the other Rude and Reno jokes in that ENTIRE FILM, and Sephiroth's is wonderful. He makes me flail and squee and superimpose crazy bawnchickabawn porno music and sexy hair flip over that fight in my mind. "Oooh, where did you get THIS strength." And Cloud's voice actor is not only pretty, he's got excellent timing.
9tails Agrees.
... as a sidenote, I didn't know s/he was Australian. This makes me squee, just a little.
Armstrong needs love by
Why: BECAUSE ARMSTRONG IS THE GREATEST NICE GUY IN THE WORLD. HIS MUSCLES AND PHYSICAL POWER UNDO ME. *sparkle* Also, crossover crack drabbles where our beloved glove alchemist is displaced into fandoms such as Naruto, Sailormoon, Soul Caliber, Harry Potter, LOTR etc etc. It is awesome. I love this man so.
Snake Charmer by
Why: Sucker for xovers. I am. And Switchknife always has such a nicely read style, even for something this short and sweet.