Presentation on tomorrow. Woe. I feel unprepared. Bah. Also, wnat more fic, but can't seem to find any. This makes me sad in a big way. I hate the days when all I find are the mildly mediocre fics with a couple of gems here and there, but nothing lasting. What on earth are my legion of reccers doing? Fandom is slow today.
Ulterior Motives by Shalott (who is as superb as always)
Pairing: Clark/Lex,
Rating: Hard R, futurefic
Summary: Everybody wants to rule the world.
Why: Besides the fact that it's Shalott and everything she does makes me flail and grin happily for hours after, this is a wonderful amalgamation of the DC and the Smallville universes (and a little bit of Batman Begins). I love the desperation between Clark and Lex that isn't usually shown, these people are not meant to be together, they know it, the world knows it, fate knows it. Yet somehow, they cling on, riding the edge of balance that makes the pairing plausible. I love that they're such men in this they hardly try to fix anything, just close their eyes and blindly clutch. What is sweet and beautiful is that it works, it's such a clear case of if there's a will, there's a way. And because they want it so much, it made me want it. The plot is wonderful and self contained and the humour cheeky and witty and Lex shines like a well oiled thing.
3 Lovers Author: Speranza
Pairing: OT4 Teyla/Rodney/Ronon/John
Rating: NC-17 Het and Slash
Summary: Teyla had heard an Atlantian aphorism that seemed to express it: "I wouldn't throw him out of bed."
Why: There just isn't enough thought out, yet crackish OT4 in this fandom, I love team fic that shows the clear bond between these people, how easy and adorable they are together. One of the few fics where Teyla comes off with an actual personality, and while it's a get together, there's also plot and hotness. A wonderfully solid, satisfying read.
I WANT MASAMUNE It's taller than I am, but GUH. *grabby hands of lust*
And to a lesser extent,
Cloud's buster sword!"Look! You can even get
Link's cheesy cartoon sword!And
Wolverine claws.
KENSHIN'S REVERSE SAKABATOU!!! Dude. Drowning in my own drool here.