Everybody's waiting for the next surprise.

Apr 18, 2012 19:10

I am absolutely beyond stoked.  I'm very excited and all a twitter-- my anxiety level is to the ceiling, which is making me jump at everything, but at least everyone's getting a good laugh at me.  There are several things that are causing this, but only one of which I'll speak... I'M GOING TO SEE THE DALAI LAMA!

I know, it was already announced, but it is THIS Saturday.  I cannot tell you how utterly enthused I am about seeing this man.  To simply be able to bask in his aura is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.  It was very sweet of my friend's uncle to offer for me to go.  I can't tell you how touched I was and still am.  Buddhism is truly beautiful.  They can be some of the most selfless people to ever exist and it's so uplifting to meet and see these people.  Kindness is something that is not practiced often these days, which is very sad.  It is something that should be treasured and expressed to each and all.

What is so beautiful about Buddhism is it's fundamental belief that we are all one.  We are all apart of each other, all apart of this world, and all one because of this.  We leave on this earth as individuals, which is an illusion-- we are all one.  I am not saying there shouldn't be individuality or anything of that nature.  What I mean to say is we are a part of each other and should respect that.  We should give love and respect to all things.

this poor, poor planet has been taken for granted for so long.  People don't respect the very place they live, the thing that gives them life.  Without this ground for us to walk on, we'd have no where to lay our heads.  We are all here, so we should all get along and live peacefully with the world and each other.  This isn't that difficult of a concept, but it seems to be foreign to almost everyone.  Countries alienate themselves from on another by putting up borders and rejecting outsiders, even though they stand on the same land as everyone else.  People kill each other in the name of some God that may or may not exist.  Masses are enslaved and slaughtered because of the color of their skin.  And this poor plant has had all this blood spilled on it's surface, seeping into the soil and drenching this world in nothing but hate.

I'm sorry, I'm turning preachy and Buddhist on you, ha ha.  But, seriously, I am stoked to see the Dalai Lama.  His words will definitely inspire me.

Speaking of inspiration, I had a burst of it and wrote a rough outline of my next novel.  The one I had before was taken apart and remastered, to come to something brand new.  Boy, I am excited about what is in store for Aurora.  This is going to be a real fun one to write and I can't wait to dive in later tonight.  There's going to be plenty of mishaps to mess up Aurora's day, not to mention all the communication and fumbled words she's going to exchange with a some characters to leave her even more disgruntled.  Oh, how tasty this one is going to be.

Did I mention I was touching on vampires?

Oh yes.  I was looking for a place to put them and found the perfect opportunity.  I had already planned on having a vampire heavy role in this novel, but it totally flourished and Aurora's full on going to enter the world of vampires.  I can't wait to touch up on them.  Hollywood has been destroying vampires for decades-- not to mention all the crappy, trashy novels about them (yes, I do include Anne Rice in that)-- and I plan on shattering those narrow-minded views of vampires.  If you really trace back and do your research, you'll find many interesting things about vampires.  Fact one, which I always have thought was obvious-- vampires don't have anything to do with bats.  They didn't for a good hundred years until the vampire bat was discovered.  The creature was named AFTER vampires because it sucked blood.  Vampires were not named after them.

Another is bursting when stepping into the sun.  Sigh.  This kills me.  Seriously, people... a German director didn't know how to end his film and decided to make the vampire burst into flames when he stepped out into the sun.  This sparked a huge rumor that it was a legitimate way to destroy a vampire.  Which, if you think about it, is a good cover if vampires do exist.

Vampires can see their reflection.  People like to say vampires are from Hell or some form of a demon or weird things like that.  Which makes them hate holy water... another false fact about a vampire.  Because they're not from Hell and they have their souls, otherwise they wouldn't be able to walk around.  To turn into a vampire, you have to die, yes.  But in this process, your body evolves into something else and you essentially come back to life.  Your body is changed and your are now a vampire.  Ta-daaaa.

I hate all the cliches about vampires.  I do enjoy some good vamp stories, though, even if they do have a few.  Because some people just really know how to make them badass.  I particularly love Kim Harrison's vampires.  She put a lot of thought into them and I like where she went with them.  It's the most believable vampires in my opinion.  Plus, who doesn't love Ivy??

Anyway, that's my rant about vampires.  You'll learn more about them later.  ;]  Until then, ponder over these not-facts about vampires.

Time to shower, do some more art, and then get down to some writing.  My hands are going to be sore tomorrow.

vampires, buddhism, the dalai lama, books, kim harrison, writing, alice spades

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