Oct 15, 2007 11:33
So so many funny things have been happening and I wish I had time to write them all down. But I don't.
The Red Sox are central to my life right now.
I am getting my hair cut short and I know boys prefer long hair but guess what? I don't effing care what boys like cause I ain't got time for them anyways. So there.
The chef I work with asked me if he was too old for me and I said yes, way too old. Straight to his face. But it was sad cause I love him. But he's old. Way old. Anyone know any old gals lookin for a great guy who can cook a mean burger???
Steve was in town yesterday and I went to the All Asia Cafe to hang out with him and Karen and Courtney. I got to sing a few songs too and that was a blast. I drank a scorpion bowl and am presently choking back vomit. Ugh.
The Office is the funniest show of all time. I rove it.
I keep running into people randomly. Like my chemistry teacher or people I've waited on or whoever. It's weird in like a serendipity way, not that I believe in that crap. But it's fun. Every day has had a surprise little present in it.
I've never had so many friends in my life but I don't have time to hang out with most of them, or even talk to them on the phone. Boo. But this winter I will have no school and plan on yukkin it up with erryone.
Ok, that's the newz.