A Cross to Bear: Chapter Two

Feb 02, 2011 00:54

Cat: The Losers
Pairing: Jensen/Cougar main, Jensen/Clay minor, Jensen/others
Rating: T - NC17
Warnings: BDSM, Language, Drug use, Emotional torture, abuse, D/s relationships, Prostitution, AU
Sequel to The Hair
Disclaimer: Not mine! They belong to Diggle and Jock... I'm just playing with them!

 Chapter Two

Roque burst into laughter.

Not the “you’re about to die a very painful death in a very slow manner” laugh, or even the, “I’m seriously going to gut you like a fish if you so much as breath” laugh. But an actual genuine laugh, a normal laugh. It was scarier than anything Jensen had seen the scarred man do in the time he’d known him.

“Oh come on! Seriously, bro? I mean I knew you were the funny guy but that’s just fuckin’ hilarious.” Roque scoffed through his chuckles.

Jensen could feel his defenses rising and tried desperately to keep some semblance of a brain-to-mouth filter in place, “I don’t have to justify myself to you. All I have to tell you is that, in a place like this, you would be exposed within minutes of being an imposter, you’d get kicked out if not arrested and sued for thousands of dollars.” Jensen said flatly, his crystal blue eyes hard but surprisingly calm. “This lifestyle isn’t one that you could ever hope to break into.” Jensen continued before meeting Clay’s eyes. “I’d be willing to offer up further reasons, sir, privately.”

Clay’s eyebrows about disappeared into his hairline. In the two years that Jensen had been with the Losers he’d only ever used the formal, “Sir” twice. The first time was within 24 hours of joining the squad; he barely remembered to tack it onto a response to one of Clay’s questions before he figured out that the last thing the team did was follow protocol.

The second incident was after he’d killed a fellow soldier when they were dropped in a FUBAR situation and needed the reassurance that Clay could provide his men when their lives were torn apart in the hells of war.

Whatever it was that Jensen wanted to speak with him about, it was serious.

Getting up from the table he stalked off to a different area of the house, smirking when the loud scrape of Jensen’s chair followed almost two seconds later. The tech rushed forward to catch up with him before he fell into easy stride alongside Clay until they were standing in front of The Colonel’s door.

Frank opened the door for Jensen and closed it behind them before motioning to the bed, “So why exactly should I be sending you into this club instead of Roque?”

Jensen considered the question and shifted on the chair, staring down at his hands. “Look Colonel, I just know that Roque doesn’t have the patience that this op will entail. He doesn’t have the people skills. And I just know that I will be able to handle this situation a hell of a lot better than he can.”

Clay gave him an incredulous look, “This might come as a shock, Jensen, but you’re going to have to explain a little better than that.”

Jensen shook his head, “Look I really don’t want to talk about it, but this isn’t my first rodeo.”

Clay gave him a look. “We can’t afford to fuck this up, Corporal, so either we do this as previously planned or you give me a good reason why I should trust you with this.”

Jake considered and ran his hands through his hair, “I could show you.” He said softly, his eyes rolling up as he looked at Clay over the rim of his glasses, his eyes cold chips of ice framed by dark lashes.

Clay had never seen Jensen look like this; it made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He watched the usually happy-go-lucky man for a moment, all of his senses screaming danger! as he watched the blond stand up in front of him, suddenly struck by the knowledge that the tech was actually taller than him.

Jensen stepped forward and leaned over to brace his hands on either arm of Clay’s chair, boxing the older man in. “What’s the matter, Colonel, don’t quite know what you’ve gotten yourself into?” Jensen asked slowly, everything about him screaming power and control.

Clay cleared his throat as he met Jensen’s eyes, trying not to flinch. “Stand down, Jensen, you made your point.” He said firmly, his own pride forcing him to meet the challenge for dominance.

Jensen chuckled, the harsh sound of it sending a shock wave down Clay’s spine with each huff of breath. “Oh no, I haven’t even started yet.” He drawled out, his lips twitching up into a mocking smile.

Clay stared up at him, his expression one of warning as he tried not to let Jensen get to him.

The hacker shifted so he could lightly drag a finger up Clay’s arm, the soft blunt nail scraping against the material and giving the faintest of hissing noise which sounded incredibly loud in the confined space.

Letting out a small chuckle Jensen leaned closer, his cheek a hairsbreadth away from Clay’s as he pressed close to whisper into his commanding officer’s ear.

“You never even suspected, did you, Daddy?” he purred.

Clay gasped, his body reacting to the title as hazy whiskey memories came to him of soft blue eyes, tousled blonde hair, cherry lips and milky thighs from a forgotten night with the tech.

“You never even considered that there was more to me, than my being a moaning whore for you or the blabbermouth tech.” Jensen continued as he ran the hand up Clay’s arm and against his shoulder while his teeth nipped at Clay’s earlobe.

Jensen smirked at the moan that fell from the Colonel’s mouth, “You remember me like that… don’t you?” Jensen asked as he ran his other hand down to settle against Clay’s groin, gripping Clay’s arousal as the hand on Clay’s shoulder moved to his throat and pressing gently against it.

“But I know the real you Franklin, I know what makes you tick, how you cry at night for those kids. How lost you feel and just how badly you want me again.” He said, his voice growing frosty.

Clay’s voice was thick when he managed to bring himself to respond, “Jensen… Jake, let me up.” He demanded while trying not to thrust into the younger man’s hand.

Jake smirked and looked Clay over before stepping back and letting him stand up, silently.

Clay let loose a sigh of relief as he stood but gasped as Jensen quickly stood behind him, pulling his jacket down halfway to trap his arms behind his back, despite how hard he tried to shrug it off. Jake stepped close, trapping his arms further as he wrapped one arm across his neck and trailed the other hand slowly down to cup Clay again, chuckling at how hard the Colonel was from being dominated.

“Oh… what’s this, Clay?” He said nimble fingers undoing Clay’s pants so that he could tease him with long fingers skin on skin.

Clay growled, struggling against Jensen as he tried to get away but each jerk of his body brought Jensen’s arm tighter around his neck, cutting off his air bit by bit which only served to make him harder.

Jensen definitely knew how to play dirty.

“You like this don’t you, Franklin?” Jensen teased, purposefully using the man’s rarely uttered first name to emphasize his powerless position and the intimacy of being in Jake’s arms.

“What do you mean?” Clay asked his body sensitized from the slow light strokes of Jensen’s fingers on his cock.

“You like being helpless, you love knowing that every movement you make, any pleasure, any…” he bit Clay’s ear again firmly, “pain… is mine to give and take away from you.” He said a mocking tone in his words.

“You love this feeling of being at my mercy. What is it, Clay? Do you want to be my little slave? Do you want to get down on your knees and suck me off? Do you like it when I hold you like this, stroking you? Can you feel what you do to me, Daddy? Feel how hard I am against you? How much I want you?” Jensen asked pressing himself up against Clay as his fingers stroked faster and harder against Clay’s length, the pace almost punishing.

“Is this what you want, Clay? Did you see me with Carlos earlier? Did you see me wrapped around him, naked flesh against naked flesh? I made him scream for me last night. Is that what you want, Daddy? Is it?” He hissed before biting into Clay’s shoulder sharply but not enough to break skin.

“Do you want to cum for me, Daddy?”

Clay arched back and moaned from the pain of the bite, his head swimming from the lust.

“Answer Me!” Jensen snapped, his hand tightening minutely around Clay’s throat, “Do you want to cum?” he asked again.

Clay nodded, a sob pouring from his lips.

Jensen smirked, “Do you want to be my filthy little cockslut, Franklin Clay?” he goaded as he wrapped his entire hand around Clay then, stroking him fully instead of teasing him.

Clay whimpered and thrust forward into Jensen’s hand, curses bubbling from his throat.

“Oh no… you have to say it.” Jensen mocked with a chuckle as he slowed his strokes to taunt Clay.

“Y…yes!” Clay moaned as his head fell back on Jensen’s shoulder from the tight grip on his cock and throat.

Jensen chuckled and sped his strokes, muttering soft encouragement to Clay.

“That’s it, Daddy, just like that… I want to watch your face as you lose it. Come on, Clay, you’re not the one in control here. Give in baby, just like that. Come on…I want you to come for me, right now, Clay! Now, Clay!” he ordered sharply.

Clay let loose a gut wrenching sob as he released, Jensen’s lips easing into a smirk as the Colonel sagged in his arms, shuddering while spilling himself on the younger man’s hand, moaning the tech’s name.

Jensen slowed his hand, leaned in to kiss Clay’s neck calmingly before pulling away. He waited until the Colonel’s eyes were on him before he started licking Clay’s seed from his hand to clean it. Pushing the older man’s suit jacket back up his arms and kissing his cheek he caught Clay as his knees buckled. “That’s why you should let me do this op.” he said smoothly, as he sat down in the chair opposite the one Clay slumped in to.

Clay was silent for several long moments, his eyes closed and his face buried in his hands as he shivered and tried to compose himself. He hadn’t been prepared for that, and now that Jensen was sitting, his demeanor playful and open as usual, across from him it was even more disconcerting.

Jensen didn’t say anything for a while, letting Clay compose himself before getting up and crouching down in front of Clay; gently pulling him into a hug and kissing his hair. “Like I said, I’ve done this before. I know this community. Roque would never be able to bring a person so close and not break them he isn’t suited for this type of situation. If you want this to go well, you’re going to have to use the right person for the job.”

Clay nodded, lifting his face up to stare at Jensen, clearing his throat and trying not to blush at meeting warm blue eyes., “We’re on a time schedule, we need to get going.”

Jensen smirked, “Sure thing, Boss-man.” He chirped lips quirking with a smile as he stood up and moved to the door, “You coming?”

Clay stood up, swaying a bit and having to focus on steadying himself so he could join Jensen by the door.

They exited the room, making their way back out to the main room. “Jensen’s taking the lead on this op.” Clay said as soon as they came into view of the rest of the team. His tone brooking no argument.

Unfortunately for him, Roque didn’t care.

“What the hell do you mean, Jensen’s taking lead?” Roque said his expression incredulous.

Clay leveled his 2iC with a firm stare, “This isn’t up to a vote, Captain. Now let’s haul out.”

Roque shook his head standing up, ready to fight. “Hell no, what the fuck do you mean Jensen’s taking lead?” He said firmly.

Jensen cleared his throat, bringing the scarred man’s attention to him, “I talked with the Boss, managed to convince him that I had the right type of skills to work this op.” he said simply, his trademark wide grin sprawled across his face, “I’ve got skills you don’t even know about, Roque… Mad skills.”

Roque scoffed and threw his arm up in disgust, swinging his attention back to Clay who had crossed the room towards the door by this point, “Fuck this shit! I’m not going anywhere until you explain to me why this moron is the one you’re going to send into a fetish club.” He shot out, his face etched in anger as Pooch watched warily and Cougar sat smirking in the corner.

Jensen threw himself forward, his movements so fast and unexpected that he managed to pin Roque down to the floor with one of the man’s own knives to his throat and his knees pinning both of the Captain’s arms to the ground.

“He’s sending me in, because I am grounded enough to know how to deal with someone in a fragile state of mind.” He hissed, blue eyes cold and full of rage, “I’m going in because I won’t break people irreparably, because I can manipulate them… mold them into whatever I want and in the end they’ll be happy with it.” He whispered, “Because I can hold someone’s very life in my hands…” He panted, pressing the large knife closer to Roque’s skin, nicking it ever so gently so that it cut but didn’t bleed. “And come within an inch of killing them…”

He moaned, his own arousal from his earlier encounter coupled with this one pressing against Roque’s stomach, as he made Roque aware of a gun to his gut.

“And instead of making them scared.” He said, cocking the hammer back, noting the jump from each person in the room while leaning down and licking gently across the scar on Roque’s face, “I make them fly.”

Roque stared up at him, panting in disbelief as Jensen slowly pulled the weapons away, decocking the gun and slipping it back into the waistband of his pants and returning the knife to the sheath on Roque’s thigh before shifting and standing up, leaving the shell shocked Captain on the ground.

Clay cleared his throat, finding it hard to breathe in the tense, charged air.

“Jensen’s on lead.” He said again, getting a nod from Pooch and Cougar as Roque just lay on the ground trembling.

Cougar moved forward from where he against the wall and leaned in to Jensen as he walked by, “Quiero que me jodas duro.” He moaned in Jensen’s ear before walking past, a smirk lighting his face from Jensen’s answering growl.


jensen/cougar, comics, bdsm, rogue, slash, carlos, the losers, jensen, zomg, jake jensen, coujen, losers

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