A Cross to Bear: Chapter One

Feb 01, 2011 00:54

Cat: The Losers
Pairing: Jensen/Cougar main, Jensen/Clay minor, Jensen/others
Rating: T - NC17
Warnings: BDSM, Language, Drug use, Emotional torture, abuse, D/s relationships, Prostitution, AU
Sequel to The Hair

Hello everyone! As promised here is the sequel to “The Hair”.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what people think! So please jot a quick note or leave a review on what and why you like my story or don’t for that matter! I’m really interested to see how people like this side of Jensen’s personality and how it develops and is revealed as the chapters go on!


A Cross to Bear
Chapter One

Clay frowned as he glanced at his watch. It was 9:30 am, still early by civilian’s standards on a Saturday, but certainly not for the Losers. Pooch was up, wolfing his breakfast while arguing with Roque over the sports section in the morning paper. But Jensen and Cougar had yet to emerge from their rooms. Clay wasn’t worried about Jensen; the kid would sleep all day and hack all night if Clay let him, but this was distinctly odd for Cougar. Even when they were on leave or Cougar was holed up in the infirmary sick, he was always up at the ass-crack of dawn.

Turning towards his extraction expert he interrupted the argument, “Pooch, have you seen Cougar this morning?”

Pooch didn’t answer immediately, having had the “Don’t chew with your mouth full” lesson firmly implanted in his brain by the time he was five by his momma. Instead, he tried to figure out the best way to answer Clay when he swallowed. He had no idea what Clay knew or suspected, and he wasn’t keen to be the one to out his teammates. He liked Cougar, hell he liked Jensen too, and if the two of them were hooking up, it was nobody’s business but their own.

“Not yet.”

“Go and see what’s keeping him, will you? And see if you can’t drag Jensen out. We need to get moving.”

Pooch got up from the table, avoiding Clay’s gaze as he meandered from the room. He headed down the hallway of their less than sanitary hideout and knocked on the door of the room that Cougar and Jensen were sharing. There was no response and when he put his ear carefully against the door, he could hear Jensen’s soft but distinct snoring.

He tried the knob and found the door unlocked. Silently, Pooch eased the door open a crack only to shut it quickly and wince. He found the boys alright. Cougar had been lying; naked as the day he was born, fast asleep in Jensen’s death grip spooning position, hiding Jensen from view though there wasn’t any doubt that the hacker was just as naked as Cougs.

“Great. Now what the hell do I do?” Pooch muttered. He glanced at the door again and stood for a moment, thinking. Then he knocked loudly and yelled, “Get up, you lazy bitches! Time to move your asses!”

He whistled a few bars of reveille for extra effect and returned to the kitchen, hoping that had done the trick.

Clay shook his head. “Cougs is still out?”

“Like a light.”

“Shit. I hope he isn’t sick. Did he seem sick last night, Pooch? I wasn’t paying attention.”

Pooch cleared his throat. “Nope. Not that I could tell.”

“Huh” Clay shook his head. “If they’re not here in a few minutes, I’ll go try and wake them myself. We’re all going to have to stay sharp for this next damn op.”

“What is it?” Roque asked, while Pooch said a silent plea that his little wake-up call had worked.

“There’s an associate of Max’s, a very close one, who’s hiding out in New York City. He’s supposed to be dead of course, and he has a different name, but Jensen downloaded the satellite footage of the man for me yesterday. It’s definitely our man.” Clay said.

“New York, huh?” Roque grinned. “Now that’s what I call an Op-a trip to hooker heaven! Too bad you can’t share the goodies, Pooch.”

Pooch laughed. “Some skeezy whore ain’t worth Jolene killing me.”

Clay and Roque just winced, thinking of the former drill sergeant and her famous temper.

A few moments later, despite Pooch’s silent but fervent prayers, neither Cougar nor Jensen had appeared downstairs. Clay checked his watch again and cursed. “All right, I’ve had enough. I’m gonna go see if I can light a fire under their butts.”

Too late for that, Pooch thought as he shook his head. “I wouldn’t, boss.”

“Why not? I thought you said Cougar wasn’t sick.”

“He isn’t. But he’s probably pretty tired.”

“Tired or not, we’ve working in a time frame here,” Clay strode out of the kitchen with Pooch trailing behind him. Roque stayed at the table. He could care less what was going on with those two, besides, Cougar almost never got sick. A cold or sore throat here and there, but never anything serious.

Clay marched down the hall. “Cougar? Jensen? Where the hell are you? We’ve gotta get going! NOW, boys!”

“Clay? Clay!” Pooch grabbed at the CO’s arm. “I mean it. Don’t go in there, okay?”

“What aren’t you telling me, Porteus?” Clay stared at the other man, his eyes narrowing.

Pooch sighed. “Nothin’. I’m just asking you to trust me. I’ll go in there and bust them out personally if you want, but believe me, it’ll be much better for us all if you stay out.”

Snorting, Clay turned away and swung open the door to Cougar and Jensen’s room, only to swing it shut again almost immediately. He looked as if someone had someone had cold-cocked him. His face first went white, then a deep red.

“I warned you”, Pooch shook his head.

“You knew about this?”

“As of eight hours ago, yeah.”

“And you didn’t say anything.”

Pooch crossed his arms.

“Hell man, we ain’t in the army no more, and DADT was repealed.” he reminded Clay defiantly. “And I figure as long as they can still do their jobs and stay focused; it ain’t none of our business.”

Clay was silent. Taking a deep breath, he nodded. “Well it is a hell of a lot easier than getting and breaking in new recruits... You’re right. I mean, I knew about Jensen, but Cougar-“

younger man grinned. “I know, right? Pretty mind-blowing. But still, I’m not too surprised. Cougs’ whole thing in life is protecting people, and Jensen’s the kind of guy who’s always gonna need it. Poor bastard would lose his head if it wasn’t attached.”

Clay sighed and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. He punched in Cougar’s number and listened to the buzzing behind the door, some obnoxious ringtone sounding muffled through the door causing Pooch to grin, recognizing the handiwork of their hacker. It rang several times before it was answered and a very sleepy voice barked out, “Que?”

“Time to get up, soldier. I need you and Jensen to be ready to go in five.” Clay clicked the phone shut. “Now I’ve just gotta figure out what the hell we’re going to tell Roque that won’t get someone maimed.”

“It ain’t none of Roque’s business, either.” Pooch said dryly.

“He’s bound to find out, just like you and me. He already barely tolerates Jensen; I don’t want him to open his mouth and piss Cougar off about the damn thing. Hell, Cougs is one of the few people he does respect. And you know as well as I do this ain’t gonna make him happy, when he finds out he can’t tease the shit outta them.”

Pooch grinned. Annoying as Jensen could be, he wasn’t the most difficult member of their team-not by a long shot. “We could always just let him stick his foot in it; Cougs can nearly shoot his ear off again.”

Clay chuckled. “There is that.”

Meanwhile, Jensen was in the middle of a delicious dream of “Lick the Cougar” when he became aware of rifle calloused fingers tracing delicious patterns over his spine. He arched his back a bit into the sensation and pressed himself closer to the warm body in his arms, sighing happily.

“Jake, amor,” Cougar whispered in his ear. “We have to get up.”

Oh he hated those words.

“Don’t wanna!” Jensen pouted and burrowed closer to the sniper’s warm skin, his lips pressing and mouthing over Cougar’s neck as he pressed his renewed erection against Cougar’s thighs. “I’m all cozy. It’s mean to disturb a cozy person.”

Cougar chuckled, his cheeks betraying him with a blush as his breath sent hot shivers down Jensen’s neck. “Yes, but Clay called my phone. It’s time to get up.”


The sniper gently nipped at the skin beneath Jensen’s ear, causing the younger man to roll his hips forward and moan. “Okay, I’m up!”
Cougar gave a regretful sigh at the hardness he could feel against his thigh before he begrudgingly pulled away from Jensen. Right now, Clay was definitely NOT his favorite person in the world.
Jensen opened his eyes and looked cross-eyed up at his lover. Cougar was smirking at the look before handing him his glasses. Some of his hair was tousled around his face but the braids were mostly intact. Jensen reached out and smoothed a stray wisp of curl, tucking the strands behind the sniper’s ear. Cougar bent over to kiss Jensen, his lips warm against the tech’s as he savored the taste of the other man.

“Mmm,” Jensen sighed in appreciation of Cougar’s talented lips and tongue. “You know, if you were trying to motivate me to get out of bed, kissing me like that… so NOT the way to accomplish your goal.”

"Yo se.”

Jensen snorted in annoyance and threw the covers back and pulled himself out of bed, leaning over to kiss Cougar while he reached for a pair of boxers from a lamp shade to see if they were clean. Somehow, they managed to find clean clothes, wash and dress before making their way down stairs, met with a glaring Clay who was watching the clock in exasperation. Jensen offered Clay a cheeky smile as he threw himself into the chair next to Roque. Jensen ignored the look of death the older man gave him as he reached for the fruity pebbles and chocolate milk on the table, intent on fixing breakfast.

“Good morning everyone!” He greeted brightly, the sleep gone from his expression as he poured his breakfast into a bowl and began to eat it with gusto. “So what nasty ass mission are we heading out on today, Clay? Cuban drug lords? Afghani terrorists? Undead Zombie hoards of south east Russia who pick out their prey based on their IQ?” He asked with a grin as Cougar silently grabbed his own breakfast and reached for the file on the table in front of them.

Clay rolled his eyes at the tech and motioned towards the file.

“Actually we’re staying stateside. We’ve got a hit on that man I had you find. He’s in New York and we’re going to have to send someone or a small team undercover to try and extract information from him.” He said then sighed as he was interrupted with a loud slurp of milk.

“He’s been hanging out at a club called The Cross in downtown New York; we’re going there, getting into the club, befriending Mr. Bennett and finding out what he knows.”

Jensen rolled his eyes. “Sounds like great times, at least we’ll be in a place we can sightsee.” He said in a bored tone.

Roque smirked, “Well you’ll have plenty of time, I think we’re only sending one person in, and it’s most likely going to be me.” He said gruffly before idly picking dirt from beneath his fingernails with one of his knives.

Jensen turned and looked at him askance. “Why’s that?” He asked, clear blue eyes showing his curiosity as he reached for the file.
Clay answered before Jensen could figure it out, “Because it’s a fetish club, and we need someone who can be a Dominant that Bennett would play with.”

Jensen looked up, shock and then amusement running across his face as he burst into laughter, “Well we sure as hell shouldn’t send Roque.” He replied, tone bright with laughter.

“Why the fuck not?” Roque replied.

Jensen snorted, “Because you wouldn’t survive in a place like that!” he said dryly.

Clay rolled his eyes, “Well then who are we going to send in?” He asked in irritation.

Jensen sighed and leaned back in his chair.



comics, bdsm, slash, cougar, wip, fanfiction, jensen, coujen, losers

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