bathrooms are creepy.

Jun 29, 2006 14:38

so, just to keep everyone straight... i have three segments in my journal.   One is called "Reasons Why" where i make a list of... reasons why, and a topic.  The last one (which was my last entry), was reasons why i need money.   Another segment i have is an Interview which is conducted by
dietcoke42 who weekly gives me a series of 5 questions, and i thoroughly answer them.

Regular readers may be saying now... "what the heck is the third?"  well, it is one i am introducing in THIS entry!  SHOCK!AWE!WONDER!  This new segment is a series of events that have occured in my life.  When i was in high school, a friend of mine (Merry Friend) made a list of odd stories that have happened in her life.  I thought that was a pretty cool idea, so i decided to do it too.  I came up with a hefty list, however, i kinda turned it into more of a "things that occured in my life" rather than "odd stories"  So.  ON TO STORY NUMBER 1!


High school was one big event in my life, let me tell you.  I've had several strange, embarrassing, and funny events occur... there are also plenty of events that i had coming to me.  This one, however, is in the catagory of embarrassing.

So, i'm pretty sure i had that mod free (mods are the equivalent to normal high school's "periods")  and i was in the restroom doing my business.  This bathroom was strange.  when you walked in, you had to walk past the sinks and mirrors on the right, towards this long mirror that was right in front of you, staying on the left side, by this dividing half-wall that was dividing the sinks from the stalls.  yeah.  So, the stalls were not elevated like the sinks were.   I hope you have some sort of an image there... its kinda hard to describe.  so, the first stall you walked past was the big one that is mostly for handicaps, and other people who need a larger stall.  Now, i'm a big girl, and some "normal" stalls are just too small for me.   So, if the big stall is free, i'm taking it.  This one was locked.  So, i figured someone was in there right?

well, i was doing my business farther down, and i'm pretty perceptive of other noises around me, and i sense that i'm the only one in the room, because i'm the only one making any noises.  So, i figured that someone must've locked the stall, and crawled out through the bottom (this was a big prank in elementary school.  LOTS of people did this), and i looked under and i didn't see any feet, or any one there... so i was kind of irritated by this, and i wondered whether or not i should crawl under to unlock it.  Then my mind started thinking of all the grossness that could possibly be on that floor... you never know... gross things happen in public bathrooms of all kinds.  So, creeped out at the possibility of germs, i nixed the plan, and went straight for the sink to wash my hands.

as soon as i was going to reach up to get a paper towel, i heard a toilet flush.

lets just say i didn't stick around to see just who it was.



Merry Friend:  Merry Friend is one of the coolest people on the planet.  She's the comic of our clique.  She is asian, adopted when she was three weeks old (i believe, i could be wrong about this).  She was born in Pusan, South Korea.  She is crazy awesome.  She makes the funniest voices i've ever heard, and tells crazy stories.  I love talking to her a lot.   We have a ton of things in common too, like Lord of the Rings.  She's actually the one who got me into LOTR.  So, thanks to Merry Friend for introducing me to my obsession.  We were sitting outside waiting for our rides to take us home, and she asked me if i wanted to go see Fellowship of the Ring.  I told her i knew NOTHING of LOTR.  So she mildly told me the story of FOTR (i told her to tell me, so she didn't ruin it)  And, then i went to go see it in theatres with her, and i thought it was pretty good, but everyone kept comparing it to Harry Potter, which it's nothing like... so it was good, but not Harry Potter.

This is kind of more a story about My Best Friend, Oldest Friend and I, and doesn't really involve Merry Friend, but in the end it will.   So, then in choir class, My Best Friend comes roaring in, telling me that she HATED LOTR.  She thought it was completely boring.  So, we were discussing the movie, when Oldest Friend (who somehow was on ourside, even though she's an Alto and we were sopranos...) was arguing with her about why it was a great and fantastic movie.   Pretty much it was My Best Friend arguing why it was all about gay people and Oldest Friend who was arguing why it was well made and just a lovely representation of the book.  Whoa on the different views.  I was on the sidelines understanding and on both sides.  I was actually more on Oldest Friend's side than My Best Friends, but you know... we best friends have to stick together.  So, when My Best Friend started saying how if Frodo and Sam were "Best Friends" they wouldn't be feeling each other up at the last scene of the movie.  (when Frodo says "Sam, i'm glad your with me"), I just HAD to partake in this.  So, i said , "Oldest Friend, My Best Friend is my best friend.  I've never gone "I'm glad your with me"" which i said in an overexaggerated seductive voice while stroking her shoulder.  My Best Friend and Oldest Friend were dying of laughter.   dying.

So, that started off the LOTR craze between My Best Friend and I, and our second in command (because we were both first), was Merry Friend, who is named Merry Friend, because when we assigned characters, we gave her Merry (even though she should've been Pippin, but we've been calling her Merry for so long now... old habits die hard).  But yeah.  She was our second in command, and she was always there for every LOTR party we had, and loves this just as much as My Best Friend and I do.  (just for the record, I'm Frodo, and My Best Friend is Sam... because of that little "skit" i performed, not because of our personalities... because for real, i should be Sam, and she should be Frodo)

Merry Friend and I also thoroughly enjoy SeaLab 2021 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force.  If we didn't have The Merry - Ringbearer connection (yes, sometimes, she'll say with a really deep voice "helLO RINGbearer..."), then we'd have the moonenite's.   We're obsessed with the fricken Moonenites.   We used to have open mods where it was me, her, book friend, and glasses friend... and Merry Friend and I would just talk and quote back and forth the episodes we saw, leaving book friend and glasses friend completely in the dark.  They said to each other one mod "do you have any idea what they are talking about half the time?" and the other said "not a clue".  It was great.

GLASSES FRIEND- (who was mentioned in Merry Friend's description.)  We're not all that close, but we have a healthy friendship.  when i first heard/saw Glasses friend, it was actually during a game of "homeroom volleyball" in middle school.  My homeroom was playing against hers (both of us sucked), and i saw her, and i just knew we were going to be friends some day.  it was weird.  (for the record, my homeroom barely beat her homeroom.  we both sucked.)  Eventually, in high school, we somehow did become friends, and i'm not quite sure how.  I'd tell you why she's named "Glasses Friend" but that would ruin an episode of "Events In Alisa's Life."  She's just a sweet, kind, genuine girl.  She spends her summers being a counselor for various camps.  She ice skates.  She does so many things.  Shes pretty much the regular girl of the bunch, with a natural beauty about her.

bathroom, merry friend, oldest friend, door, events in alisa's life, lotr, glasses friend, my best friend

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