(no subject)

Sep 06, 2010 17:47


Crappy week is crappy.

Maybe I'm just too uptight, but is it so much to expect people to think before they speak? Family, friends, it just... pisses me off.

If I can't get spoken to like an adult by my own sister, I'd rather not speak to her at all. I'm tired of being treated like the kids she teaches, like I need to follow her every request. In reality? She's as much of a bitch as I am, and doesn't acknowledge it, unlike me who constantly works on watching how I speak and acknowledges I'm a contrary person.

I finally told my mom I've had enough of it, and if she won't call her on her actions like she always has with me, I will make sure she knows how I feel. She claims my sister has "had it rough" and "Is worried about work" Who isn't? It doesn't excuse her rage at her own family. I won't be visiting home much until gina stops, and if grandma whines and my sister bitches about grandma? Too bad. I'm not taking her abuse.

I'm probably just going to take a major slowatus/maybe hiatus starting tomorrow and break away from Luceti awhile. The game's soured a bit, but mostly life in general has, so I think it might be best to do so before I explode and do anything stupid.
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