later that day..

Apr 01, 2004 19:38

Dear Journal,

I just came back from Wally world and bought a new bed sheet set thing for my room. It has flowers and lots of color and striped on it. It looks perfect. I think I'll take all the crap off my bed and make it before I go to sleep tonight. Then just put the crap back on the bed when the new furniture is moved in.

I got to rock Rascal in my arms for about 15 minutes. She's so cuddley and soft. She's still just a baby kitten to me. She'll be 2 next labor day. It feels like yesterday they were covered with soft kitten food and sleeping in their litter box.... memories.. ::sigh::

I think my mom should go to college and get braces and stop smoking. She wants to. I think she should. Heck, only live once.

I'm still coughing and sneezing. I hope I sleep great tonight. I'm just glad my brother isn't here.. I saw him uh...  doing "stuff" late at night right in the chair I am sitting in. I thought he got over his sex addiction. Oh well. I guess his roommates in Pittsburgh don't let him play with himself as much as he likes so he does it here at the computer. Thanks Shawn!!! ::barfs::

I don't think I'll have activity next Thursday. Maybe I just won't go to school. I hate Mrs. Tonkins. I hope atleast I'll be with Mrs. Tanyor. Mrs. Tonkins voice can have the same effect as a dentist drill on me. I can't believe she's married.. pity the kids. I can't imagine having to hear that every single day till I was 18... ::cringe::

I'm going to try and get my sister to start a live journal. She's a howl to be with. Somethings she says are just... AWESOME! It's like she's on pot.. but she's not. She's the bestestest. Better than poo flinging munkeys and chocolate bunnies combined!

I still haven't done my current event. I really want to make something really funny up for them. Alas, I cannot. rebel rebel.

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