
Apr 01, 2004 15:22

Dear Journal,

Drawing is a great way for me to get out my frustrations. Like today..

Anyway.. I'm trying not to freak out at school. I got very close today. I just took deep breaths and drew. It felt ok.

I've been having chest pains under my left "chest" I hope It's nothing bad. I think maybe it's just.. uh.. sore or something. Nothing really bad. I currently have a head cold.. I think it's a nasal infection.. lots of pretty green stuff.

At school we are starting a new schedule and I asked AJ if I could start a Poetry club. She said yes.. but I haven't any funds to fund it. I guess I could make club dues and such. I want to buy pretty paper and the members can write their own poems. Near the end of the year I'd like each member to select say 15 or so of their favorites and we can make books. Books of all the poems and they can read it and remember in the future. I dunno. Alot of the girls are great artists and I thought that would be fun to do.

I can't wait for the weekend. It'll be nice to just sit around. relaxing... I hope it doesn't rain as much though. It must be monsoon season. We walked to swimming in the rain. I didn't swim.. I need to get better with this damn cold. I can't take any sudefed or drink any citrus juice because of my medications. UGH!

I'm gonna weigh myself today.. I feel lighter. I hope I am. I need to get thinner and more musclular for the summer. I want to look good. I have a pretty face but the rest of me is trash... the scars and the fatty stuff. I'll work on it though.

Well. I'll probably update later.

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