Doctor Who Fic Master List {Completed}

Jun 15, 2029 03:28

This is the Master Fic List. Oneshots will be linked here as they're posted. Chaptered fics will be linked when completed. The title says "completed", and I am retired from fic writing. However, I maintain the possibility of there being future fic. I'm not promising anything, but there is always a possibility. Please read and enjoy...

Updated 1/10/2015


The Traveler and the Sun Woman
One of the many legends surrounding Ten and Donna following Journey's End.
Rated G
Doctor Who

Sleep Sweet
What if the metacrisis had killed Donna before Ten could do anything about it?
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Be Magnificent
The Eleventh Doctor pays an unknown visit to Donna. Ficlet.
Rated G
Doctor Who

The Wind Song Time
Ten, Donna, and Ten II make a visit to a planet for a cleansing of sorts.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

The Sky People
Ten and Donna make an unintended visit to a Navajo family.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Just a random drabble on the colors Ten and Donna see at a particular time.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

This I Do
Ten's thoughts after the birth of twins.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Light the Fire
At the end of Journey's End, Donna regenerates.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Kick the Tires
Sequel to Light the Fire
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Doing Domestic
A bit of domesticity for Ten and Donna.
Rated G
Doctor Who

A Mother's Wrath
The TARDIS takes matters into her own "hands" following the events of Journey's End and the metacrisis.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

What the Doctor saw in the Untempered Schism at his initiation at 8 years of age.
Rated G
Doctor Who

Coming Home
Ten brings Donna and the Duplicate home following the events of Journey's End.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Bad Moon Rising
Ten and Donna visit a house said to be haunted.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

The New Year
A New Year surprise.
Rated G
Doctor Who

How To Tell Your Best Mate, You Fancy Her
What the title says.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Waking Up
Donna gets her memories back, and it's like waking from a dream.
Doctor Who

My Pet Hand
The Doctor and his old hand have an interesting relationship.
Doctor Who

If You Close Your Eyes
The Twelfth Doctor comes back to attend a funeral. And he buries his past.
Doctor Who

Chaptered Fics

~The Door~
In the moment before she dies, River Song decides to grant her Doctor's wish.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who
Part 1 of 5, Part 2 of 5, Part 3 of 5, Part 4 of 5, Part 5 of 5

The Belle Series

In the Silence; In the Dark
First in the Belle Series. Ten and Donna meet an orphan girl.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

The Child of Silence and Dark
Second in the Belle Series. Ten and Donna meet and orphan girl. Ten and Donna's POV of In the Silence; In the Dark.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Life, the Universe and Everything
Third in the Belle Series. Ten and Donna take Belle to Donna's home.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Sounds: A Belle Series Ficlet
Small drabble in the Belle series. Belle's thoughts on sounds.
Rated G
Doctor Who

The Doctor and Donna in King Henry's Court
Fourth in the Belle Series. Donna and the Doctor go to take a tour of Hampton Court Palace. They go back a little too far.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Three Gray Geese
Fifth in the Belle Series. An afternoon at Wilf and Sylvia's home.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Weddings and Gold Light
Sixth in the Belle Series. While Donna is away helping Martha plan her wedding, the Doctor and Belle have a chat.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Why The Doctor Shouldn't Watch Outer Space Documentaries: A Belle Series Ficlet
An evening of TV documentaries with the Doctor. Who can't keep from correcting them.
Rated G
Doctor Who

Seventh in the Belle Series. Wilf and Sylvia argue over ham, and Belle wanders off.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Her Beauty Shone, Like a Flower Grown
Eighth in the Belle Series. Three points of view at a wedding. Part one of the wedding oneshots.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Suspended Pain, I Cannot Face the Black Flame
A Belle Series Ficlet. Ten has a nightmare.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

You Cover Darkness with a Thousand Secret Flames
Ninth in the Belle Series. Ten and Donna have a talk. Part two of the wedding oneshots.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

To See the Light
Tenth in the Belle Series. The story of how Belle received her sensory web.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

A Belle Series Extra. Donna doesn't like spiders.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

A Belle Series Ficlet. A preview to the two part oneshot "The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn".
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

~The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn~
A two part oneshot in the Belle Series. Eleventh in the series. Belle is injured severely.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who
Part One, Part Two

A Belle Series Ficlet. Little plotless piece of emotion.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

TARDIS Thoughts
A Belle Series Extra. The TARDIS' thoughts on events.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

A Brother's Return; The Story of Alexander Noble
Twelfth in the Belle Series. Ten II's story and return.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

Hostile Reunion
Thirteenth in the Belle Series. Ten and Ten II reunite. It doesn't go well.
Rated R
Doctor Who

~The TARDIS Intervenes~
A three part one shot. Fourteenth in the series. The TARDIS takes steps to help Ten realize just what Rose has done to both him and those he cares about.
Part One rated PG-13, Part Two rated R, and Part Three rated R.
Doctor Who
Part One, Part Two, Part Three

A Broken Hallelujah
Fifteenth in the Belle Series. After the TARDIS intervenes, they return to Earth, and Donna's home. Wilf gets to say his piece.
Rated PG-13
Doctor Who

The Baffled King Composing Hallelujah
Sixteenth and final in the Belle Series. A mental breakdown, talking, and the start of healing. A hopeful outlook for the future.
Rated R
Doctor Who

general info, fiction, doctor who, master fic list

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