
Jul 30, 2009 05:50

Today was bananas.
Like for real.
First, I woke up and went to Megan's house after spending all night - literally, til like 5 am - making signs to support Obama and a health care reform. So we went to Kroger, were Obama was coming to speak, (still I'm feeling like wtf Obama came HERE to talk to workers at KROGER...really? But no really that's for serious.) and we held up signs and and stuff. It was awesome. Except the crazies all around us. At some point one of them said, "You should just support your country no matter what (lets just ignore the fact that there were the to PROTEST THEIR PRESIDENT..whatever) so I said, "that doesn't even make sense based on the fact that our country was founded on the idea of protest and the people not blindly supporting their country" to which the woman replied "No our country was founded on Christ." to which I said "Wow." cuz you can't argue with someone who believes that because their preacher told them to. And then they told us, amoung many other things, that we were going to hell because Satan had misled us cuz hes the father of all lies, to which I said, "Oh yah, Satah, the idea the Pope created about 300 year after the gospels were written, awesome." to which she said, "wha?" to which I proceeded to try to explain Zionism and it's influence on her religion, which she promptly ignored of course. That of course was followed by the obligatory "I bet you believe in evolution and are pro abortion!" like those are accusations which in and of themselves are proof of my complete ignorance. I tried to explain evolution to her, failed. I tried to explain that no one is PRO ABORTION that but that instead I'm of course PRO WOMENS RIGHTS. Also a fail. You can't talk to people who have already been talked to by "god". And by that I mean they've been force-fed and cattle-prodded into believing whatever their preacher/religious leader tells them is the easiest way to avoid eternal hellfire and is the easiest way to condemn others, all in the name of "love" of course. But we are the "ignert" ones.
So then me and Connor and Megan all needed frozen yogurt after that inquisition. It was yummy, and at least an adventurous story I guess. We got to see Air Force One and the president's convoy. Badass. And we got to stand up for what we think is right. Even tough we got called terrorists for it (no exaggeration.) And after that we got sushi too! Awesome to the max.

So then I went and hung out with Tory and saw the end of Dawn of the Dead. It was nifty and fun to make fun of.

And then I went to Omanins to see Lindsey and Brandie and Connor and it was a blast. I got quite tipsy and at one point Connor was talking to some girl who I thought they knew. I learned quite a bit later that this girl was just hitting on them. Oops. So I got introduced to this girl. Mandiee. Not even kidding. But she was pretty cool. And while I was talking to her I noticed a cute guy near her who I commented on as being cute. She said, "Oh that's one of my good friends. Let me introduce you!" And she said, "Hey Michael, this is Samantha, she thinks you're hot." which is an awkward way to start any new friendship. But somehow it worked. Me and Downtown Michael Brown, as he was called by friends, talked and laughed pretty much all night. Connor left and I was alone with what I thought was at least a friend of friend (like I said I learned later was basically a random couple of people) and I ended up riding with them to Perkins. But actually it was pretty much bad ass. Mandiee is funny and cool. Downtown is a cool guy - funny and smart and very cute. And I mean, he goes by Downtown...really? yes. So we flirted like all night long. Finally he brought me back to my car. And it was very cute the way he ended up kissing me. He kind of blocked my car with his and then got out and came to my window and was like, "I really hope I see you tomorrow" and just leaned in and kissed me. It was the first time I've like blushed and felt giggly in like forever. So yeah, I'm gonna see him tomorrow for sure sure. Did I mention he's as cynical as me? Yah it's pretty cool.

I feel good. It was a very good day. It was a lot of crazy good. I cant complain about any of it. Good friends, good times, got to see the president, or at least his convoy. Got to meet a new potentially pretty awesome guy. It was most certainly a productive day!
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