step two the house and area

Apr 23, 2005 15:14

Well the house is coming along nice, just gotta get the stuff put away and get some carpets around this's cold as balls here too. I don't know most people are used to this kind of life I guess...but you see I never lived on a base where it is ok to carry your gun and skin animals in your back yard...yuk...
The wal mart here has the bullet isle just free and clear in the open and it is a huge isle, wtf over? I really would be ok if I could live in Oregon, but no bases..sigh or even Cali I loved cali too..but then again I always did as a kid anyway and when I used to go int he summer to party. I feel like I stepped into the twilight zone and shit. Ok now I have every race of friends but this is funny.....We were chilling out front and this car comes flying in our court with rock blasting away and some black guy gets out and he is smoking Marlboro lights and sounds like a white guy and my daughters school all the black kids like punk over...I guess I am just used to the stereo types huh? I mean my daughter and this white guy are the only ones dig rap. IT is just weird coming from Hawaii everyone loves rap, even though I enjoy all music, EXCEPT COUNTRY...sorry, I have tried and it just doesn't appeal to me.
Did I mention it is cold here and making my asthma flare up???? Gotta love this place...sigh. I suppose I can give hunting a try right...not. I think I will take up dirt biking and maybe snow boarding. Anyway I should really shut up until I see Boise....more later so aloha to all and to all a groovy day..bye bye
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