Oct 14, 2004 07:28
Why do people feel a sliver of redemption when they abandon their pets in a state park, a zoo, or a national wildlife refuge? Do they think that somehow their homebred animals will hear the call of the wild and suddenly learn to hunt for their food? That somehow, in a protected site that is animal-friendly, they will have a better life than being brought to a shelter? How I hate people.
I hate people who abandon their pets because their new boyfriend/girlfriend is *allergic* to pets. I hate people who abandon their pets because they are pregnant and will soon have children. I hate people who abandon their pets because they got too big/destructive/cumbersome/troublesome/meddlesome/smart. Yes, someone abandoned a Jack Russell because it was too *smart*. 1 in every 5 Border Collies gets abandoned because they are *too active*.
Some people get offended when I say I wish and plan to raise my children as I raise my pets. They are obviously people who do not love their pets as much as I love mine. Today, I found a dog. Black Labrador mix, about 40 pounds. Malnourished, soaked from the rain, barking in fear, wagging tail, but snarling. His hips stuck out awkwardly to his sides, misplaced from starvation, his legs wobbly from loneliness. His eyes darted around, then he barked at me some more. Mark said, with a laugh: "Clare-- control your dog!" He shivered uncontrollably.
Dana and I ran to get our lunches. The moment I tore my cheese sandwich in half, he stopped barking, ran 10 yards to me, and wolfed down my food, right from my hand. Dana gave him her bologna sandwich. Two seconds, it was gone. Got him a bowl of water. Drank that up so quickly. Who decided it was a bright idea to abandon this dog in the marsh-- the salty, uninhabitable (for a dog), damp, soggy, muddy, wetlands that I work in, should be shot. I called animal control. Of course they weren't there (got their answering machine telling me to leave a detailed message). I lured him into one of our rooms, left food and water with him, then closed the door. He doesn't smell good, he's lost a lot of weight, and he's missing some lower teeth. I hate people who abandon pets. I hate them.