Best Part of Believe is the Lie Four

Dec 23, 2009 17:52

Title: Best Part of Believe is the Lie
Author: alifeofourown  
Pairings: Kyle/Caleb (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex/Jack (All Time Low), Gabe/William (Cobra Starship/The Academy Is...), John Ohh/Travis Clark (The Maine/We The Kings), possible other
Rating: Teen
Summary: Kyle was never going to get better and he knew that. That's why he did this. That's why he had to lie.
Warnings: More postcards, Shirtless boys, cute John Ohh
Disclaimer: If you found this thanks to Googling yourself or someone Googling you for you, turn the fuck back around. Thanks. :D
Beta: havah24601  
Dedication: Any Kyleb, Jalex, John/Travis or Gabilliam lovers who dare to read my insanity.
Author Note: Anyone want a Xmas Fic? Poke me in a comment or ask for one in a message! I'll write you a Christmas fic!
I love you all and apologize. This was supposed to be posted on Sunday but it was delayed thanks to stupid internet-less homes. From now on, you all can expect this fic to be updated every Wednesday. :D
Title credit to Fall Out Boy.

The morning that Alex came in to find a postcard sitting there waiting for him was the morning that he knew he was going to have to confront Jonathan about it. He slid the postcard down onto his keyboard and set his coat down on the chair, making a mental note that he’d have to read the postcard later. The first thing that was on his list of things to do was to check in on the patients that talked to him, say hi and then handle the daily tasks.

He headed out to make his visits, skipping past crazy Pete because he knew that the man hated being woken up early if he didn’t have to, and in his terms, nine in the morning was early. Alex knocked on the door to John’s room lightly and he heard some hurried scuffling before John appeared at the door. “Hey…Alex…” he said slowly as he bit down on his lip.

“Travis is in there isn’t he?” Alex asked with a small smile as he stared at John, waiting for the boy to be honest and answer him. It didn’t take long for John to nod slowly, causing Alex to laugh slightly.

“How’d you…know?” he asked as he looked at Alex. Alex pushed the door aside so that he spotted Travis hiding in the corner of the room, grinning a little bit at him as he watched the red head’s eyes widen.

“Well, I could hear you two scrambling around in there, so that was the first clue, but it was clearly obvious when you came to the door with your buttons not matching their proper buttonholes.” John flushed and he instantly looked down to his shirt, moving to fix it so that it wasn’t all messed up and obvious that he had had an overnight visitor. Alex looked over to Travis and he smiled. “If I were you,” he said softly. “I’d be careful with the whole spending the night here thing. You know the advisors check the rooms twice a night and you can’t risk getting caught by them. They won’t keep your relationship quiet like Jack and I will.”

Travis nodded as he slipped out of the bed, allowing Alex to realize that he was shirtless. “I know,” he said softly as he nodded, moving over so that he wrapped his arms around John’s waist. “Thank you you guys for helping us keep this. We really appreciate it.”

“Yeah…we…do…” John said as he nodded. As smiled a little bit at the man, nodding to the two of them before he moved to leave. “…Alex…?” John said, stopping the boy from leaving. Alex looked at John, smiling at him. “Thank…you…”

“Any time John,” he said as he smiled. “You and Trav are cute together. You just have to make sure not to let yourselves get caught.” Travis nodded for the both of them, smiling to himself when John nodded a few seconds later. He gently kissed his boyfriend’s cheek before smiling at Alex.

“Hey, did I tell you that they’re planning to release John before Christmas?”Alex looked at the two of them with surprise on his face.

“Really?” he asked as he stared at Travis, waiting for the red head to answer him. Travis nodded instantly, causing Alex to smile. “Wow. First William, then Kyle and now John? They’re getting rid of all of my buddies. I won’t have anyone to talk to anymore!”

Slowly, John recognized what Alex was saying and he pulled away from Travis’ grip on him, stepping forward and hugging Alex awkwardly. “I…still your…buddy. Always…” Alex grinned at John’s statement and he hugged him back tightly, looking over to Travis to see a matching smile on his face.

“There will always be crazy Pete,” Travis told him with a smile. “He’ll stay here to be your friend, and supposedly Singer was brought back in last night. Now he thinks he’s John Lennon.” Alex let out a sigh at the mention of the other Alex, the one who kept being brought back in because he kept thinking he was different people. Last time it had been Elvis, and the time before, Justin Timberlake. This would be fun. The new bit of information didn’t stop Travis from smiling or John from hugging him. Travis went back into the room and he grabbed his shirt, pulling it on before stepping back over to Alex and John.

“Okay John, I’m going to go and sign out, walk Alex back to his desk and then I’ll be back to say goodbye okay?” John pulled away from Alex and he turned to Travis, nodding slightly before he slowly moved forward to hug Travis. “I love you John,” he said softly before kissing John’s cheek.

John looked at Travis quietly before a smile appeared on his face. “Love…you too…Travvie…” Travis smiled and he kissed John’s cheek one more time before he let John go and went over to Alex, smiling at Alex before he dragged him out of the room.

“Come on,” Travis said as he walked with Alex back to the welcome desk. “I am so excited right now because of John’s release.” He grinned at Alex. “They finally realized that it’s not his brain functioning that’s the problem.” Alex had known for a while that John’s brain function level hadn’t been the problem. Travis knew it too. Unfortunately, the staff didn’t listen to the secretarial staff, despite the fact that they were the ones who spent the time with the patients.

John wasn’t messed up in the head though. His brain was completely capable to function at a high level pace, but the problem was the brain’s messengers. John’s brain got messages out to his body at a slower rate than others, making it difficult for him to react to things, to answer people’s statements and questions. It was what had kept him locked up there for so long, but now the board finally realized that he was sane, that he was able to survive on his own. It would just take him some time to find an environment that would understand him as well as let him understand it. Alex knew, though, that Travis would take good care of John when he got out, and if he didn’t, John’s friends Garrett and Patrick would be more than helpful.

“So,” Travis said, breaking the silence. “I’ve checked out and all that fun stuff. I’m going to go back and say bye to John. I’ll see you later?” Alex nodded briefly, flashing a smile at Travis before he sat back down, waiting for the red head to leave, and he almost did too, until he spotted the postcard sitting on the keyboard. “Alex…” Travis said as he frowned, knowing what it meant because he knew about the postcards in the drawer that Alex kept locked. “You know, it’s been almost a year now. Don’t you think that it’s time this stops?”

“If I answer no, will you hurt me?” Alex asked as he raised an eyebrow, hoping that Travis wouldn’t make a big deal out of the situation that was clearly a big deal. His hope burst as Travis crossed his arms over his chest, holding his jacket tightly in his hands. “Come
on Trav, you know I can’t stop this. It’s not for his own good, but it keeps him happy and you know what he’s like when he’s not happy.”

“Yeah,” Travis said as he sighed. “I know what he’s like when he’s not happy, but you know that I’ve read the things he writes on those postcards. He really, truly believes that he’s communicating with Caleb, and what do you think is going to happen when he finds out that it’s not the love of his life and that it’s just his friend, his friend that he sees every single day, the one that brings him his postcards and lies to his face about knowing that they’re from Caleb?”

Alex let out a loud sigh before he picked up the postcard and held it in his hands. “I know that this has to stop, and it will stop, but right now I have to keep doing this. I have to keep him happy, Travis. I don’t want to see Kyle hurting. That’s more than any of us can handle.”

“You know,” Travis countered as he looked at Alex. “I’ll let this completely drop if you’ll admit to the fact that you’re caring for that boy a lot more than you’re supposed to be.” Alex stared at Travis, not sure what he was trying to say by that. “Oh come on Alex,” Travis said as he frowned. “You say you’re keeping up this act for him, but it’s clear that he’s not the only reason why you’re doing this. You keep writing the postcards to him because you want to keep displaying Caleb’s feelings for him, you want to put your actual feelings in there and hope that Kyle sees them, but he’s not going to. He only sees these as postcards from Caleb, from the love of his life and no matter what you do, no matter how many hints you drop, that’s not going to change.”

Alex slumped back in his chair, sighing a little as he dropped the postcard onto the table. “I don’t…I’m not…I have Jack, remember?” Travis rolled his eyes at the pathetic statement. “I have Jack, Travis. I have a fucking boyfriend, so stop it would you? I don’t like Kyle like that, so stop acting like I do. That’s just wrong!” Travis merely shrugged at him before he turned and walked back to John’s room, leaving Alex in a furious and surprisingly confused state.

rating: teen, pairing: john/travis, band: the maine, pairing: jack/alex, genre: angst, band: all time low, story: best part of believe is the lie, band: forever the sickest kids, band: we the kings, band: cobra starship, pairing: kyle/caleb, pairing: gabe/william, band: the academy is...

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