Shattered Youth Chapter Two

Oct 12, 2009 12:12

 Title: Shattered Youth
Author: alifeofourown
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Kyle Burns (All Time Low/Forever the Sickest Kids)
Rating: Teen
Summary: He didn't know what to do about this because he had never, ever seen Kyle fall apart like this before.
Warning: Silence, more Alex, eggs
thepiano_knows because she's the one who put Kyle/Alex in my head thanks to her picspam. Thanks bb!
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN THEM! (If you got here thanks to googling yourself, turn around now. NOW!)
Author Notes: I finally know where this story is going! :D The only problem is it's hard to write because I'm not used to such little conversational dialogue. Oh well. We'll get this to work. Until then, enjoy.
Title courtesy of Living Proof by The Downtown Fiction

Waking up the next morning, Alex wasn’t sure what had happened at first. He blearily blinked to clear his eyes from sleep when he felt the tight clinging around his waist and the warmth that was covering him. He looked down and saw that the beautiful blond that he had always dreamed about one day being with was actually in his bed, clinging to him with a desperate need and a tearstained face and then it all came flooding back to him. He remembered everything from the three AM wake-up call and his hands tightened on the boy quietly as he quietly rubbed the boy’s back.

He knew that Kyle was scared, freaking right now, but he didn’t know what to do to fix it because he didn’t know what had happened to him. He remembered the bloodstained clothes, and he remembered that Kyle hadn’t said a word to him at all the past night, which meant that he most likely wasn’t going to say anything to him today either, but Alex was okay with that. Kyle didn’t have to speak if he didn’t want to, and Alex wasn’t going to pressure him, because he knew what would happen if he put pressure on a traumatized person. It had happened before, and he didn’t want it to happen again. He wasn’t about to lose another person he loved.

With gentle touches to Kyle’s back, Alex comforted the boy in his sleep, noticing that they boy was actually crying in his sleep. “Kyle,” he whispered quietly, knowing that he should wake the boy up from whatever he was dreaming about so that he didn’t have to be scared or sad when he woke. “Kyle, wake up.” The boy didn’t stir, and Alex bit his lip. “Kyle,” he said a little louder as he put pressure onto Kyle’s back, but not too much because he didn’t want to hurt the boy. Slowly, Kyle’s eyes opened, and he instantly pulled away from Alex, his blue eyes wide with fear.

“Kyle, it’s okay,” Alex said softly as he sat up, looking at the boy who was now curled up in a shaking ball on the bed. He reached a gentle hand out to Kyle, not going close enough to pressure him, but placing his hand out there as a means of comfort that he could choose if he wanted. “I’m not going to hurt you Kyle, I promise.” Kyle stared at the hand, not sure what to do. Alex could tell that the boy was terrified and that he most likely wouldn’t even come near Alex at the moment.

They sat there for almost an hour, Alex just gently holding his hand out to Kyle and Kyle shaking, staring at the hand as he tried to decide if it was safe or not.  “Later,” Alex finally whispered as he dropped his hand, moving it away from Kyle. “We can try this again later.” Kyle bit down on his lip as his eyes turned to the bed, staring at the sheets. “Are you tired? Do you want to sleep some more?” Kyle shook his head quietly as his eyes focused on the individual threads of the sheets, staring at them intently. “Are you hungry?”

Kyle didn’t answer him, but the sudden low rumble that escaped from his stomach told Alex the answer to his question without verbal or even physical communication. “Okay,” he told Kyle gently. “Does breakfast sound good?” Kyle nodded and Alex smiled as he slipped out of the bed. “Do you want to stay in bed and have me bring the breakfast to you?” Kyle shook his head, and Alex offered him a gentle smile, even though he knew that Kyle wasn’t looking at him. He was still staring at the sheets.

“Okay, let’s go and eat.” He really hoped that he could still remember Kyle’s favorite breakfast food, but it had been such a long time since they had been on tour together, so he wasn’t completely sure that he still knew what it was, but he was going to try. It was currently down to scrambled eggs, French toast and cereal, but he really couldn’t remember which one it was. Alex ruled out cereal, mostly because he didn’t have any, and he decided that he was going to go with scrambled eggs, really hoping that that was what Kyle loved.

Kyle climbed off of the bed slowly and soundlessly, and he wrapped his arms around his skinny frame, holding himself as he followed Alex down to the kitchen. The silence wafted through the house, and Alex was sighing quietly inside his head as he tried to figure out what he could do to make Kyle better without actually having to force him to explain what had happened. He needed to get the boy to speak, but he didn’t know how to do that, so he figured it’d be better if he tackled that before he tried to figure out how to fix Kyle completely. That would actually involve some talking, and he needed Kyle to answer him in order to make things work.

The kitchen welcomed them graciously with its bright, happy walls and shiny appliances that hadn’t been used much because of back to back touring in addition to interviews, photo shoots and loads of other things that kept Alex from his home. That and he didn’t really know how to cook/cook often helped in keeping his kitchen a nice, shiny place. Jack often complained about how he hated that Alex’s kitchen was so clean and his was a mess, but Alex never commented on it. He and his kitchen kept themselves how they wanted to keep themselves, and that was that. Kyle crawled into a seat at the counter and Alex shot him a gentle smile.

“Okay, breakfast,” he said as he turned to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a carton of eggs. “I’m thinking cheesy scrambled eggs.” He didn’t have to turn around and look at Kyle to know that the boy’s head had lifted a little and a brief ghost of a smile had appeared on his face. Alex knew that the smile wasn’t really there, and that Kyle wasn’t really feeling it, but he knew that as long as he was around to help Kyle through whatever had happened to him, he’d be there trying to make him smile and be happy for real. Kyle’s happiness was more than enough to motivate Alex into making him better. Alex cracked the eggs into a bowl and began to whisk them with a fork as he heated up the stove. He poured the mixture into a saucepan and reached into the fridge for the bag of shredded cheddar cheese that he had bought the day before for some important reason that now didn’t even matter to him because taking care of Kyle was all that mattered.

The eggs were ready within minutes, and he drenched them in cheese before he put them onto a plate, smiling. “I hope you’ll like them,” he said as he brought the dish over to Kyle, complete with fork and napkin. “Anything to drink?” He received a nod from Kyle and he turned back around to the sink. “I only have water and beer right now, so I’m thinking water.” He filled a clean glass with water and turned around, surprised to find Kyle frozen, his hand holding the fork right above the eggs.

“Kyle?” Alex asked softly as he set down the glass of water. “Kyle, are you okay?” He watched Kyle quietly, waiting for a sign from him that he was fine or that he was going to at least be fine, but he got neither from the drummer. Instead, Kyle’s face was frozen in fear, and he looked terrified as he dropped the fork onto the plate, instantly running for the bathroom. Alex ran after him, panicked.

He found Kyle leaning over the toilet, his body releasing the foodless contents of his stomach and his body trembling. “Oh Kyle,” Alex whispered as he knelt down next to the boy, placing an extremely light, calm hand on his back, but Kyle jerked away the second that he did so. “Kyle, it’s okay,” he whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

He was answered with a dry heave over the toilet bowl, and he sighed, reaching forward and gently tucking Kyle’s hair back behind his hears so that there was no risk of getting vomit on it. The boy’s body was trembling, shaking like a leaf that was getting blown about by a strong gust of wind, and Alex hated it. He hated seeing Kyle like this, because he knew that the boy didn’t deserve whatever this was that was causing him such trauma. He just wanted to make it all better, and he knew that he couldn’t do that right away.

“It’s okay Kyle,” he said in a gentle voice as his hand touched Kyle’s back again, trying to calm the shaking boy without getting shoved off again. Kyle didn’t flinch away, but he didn’t stop trembling either. If anything, the trembling got worse. “It’s okay. I’m here to take care of you and I’m going to. I’m going to.”

story: shattered youth, pairing: kyle/alex, rating: teen, genre: angst, band: all time low, band: forever the sickest kids

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