Lost Until Found 4/6

Jan 21, 2009 22:05

Title: Lost Until Found
Pairing: Gabe Saporta and William Beckett
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live...."
Author Notes: Okay this is the...bad chapter? I'm so sorry that this took me so long. I really had trouble writing this chapter, but that's because I have issues when it comes to the actual process of writing what I wrote... Just, please don't kill me?
Warnings: Kidnap, Abuse, Torture, Violence, Assumations
Disclaimer: If I owned Gabriel Saporta and William Beckett, the world would never see me again. I still exist, so that means they are sadly not in my power
I do own James and Riley though, although I wish I didn't own Riley. He sucks
Dedication: For the person who enjoys Risking it all. Oh yeah, she knows who she is.

James awoke in the middle of the night to the ringing of his emergency line. Without even picking up the phone he knew who the call was about. Rushing, he got out of bed, picked up the phone and stumbled to get dressed. “I’ll be right over,” he said into the phone before slamming the phone down and grabbing the first set of clean clothes he could find. Half-dressed and lacking shoes, James ran out his front door and got into his car. He started the car and sped down the street, ignoring all traffic signs and speed limits, earning some attention from the few drivers on the road at the time.

The second he pulled up to the mental institution, James ran out of the car and into the building. “Where is he?” James shouted as he stared at two frightened nurses. The one pointed to a small white door and James burst through it. “Oh god,” James said as he came up to the man who was strapped to the bed. “William,” he whispered as he sat down on the bed. “What happened?”

William turned away from James as best as he could and closed his eyes. James opened his mouth to speak, but surprisingly William cut him off. “You want to know what happened that day?” he asked in a cracking voice.

James sat down on William’s bed and let out a small sigh. “You know I want to know what happened William. I want to help you heal William, because being in here isn’t helping you at all.”

William turned over and looked at James with fear in his eyes. “I’m scared,” he whispered softly. James grabbed onto William’s hand and squeezed it gently. “If I say it out loud then that will make it real.”

“It’s already real William. You’re just scared to face the truth, but you’re not alone in all this. I’m here for you and your friends would be too if you ever let them in to visit you. You’ve been here for months William. It’s time to get you out.” William swallowed before struggling to sit up in the bed. He bit his lip and let out a soft sigh.

“I don’t want to live anymore,” he said in a bare whisper. “I can’t…I won’t…” Letting out a small sigh, he pulled his hand out of James’ grasp. “I can’t live without him.”

James looked at him with a confused look on his face. “What are you talking about William? Gabe’s-“

“Don’t lie to me,” William replied sharply. “I was there and I know what happened. Do whatever you want to me in this legal torture chamber, but don’t lie to me.”

James let out a small sigh before nodding. “I won’t, promise. Just tell me what happened.”

William stared at James and swallowed before opening his mouth to speak. “It’s pretty gruesome.”

“I can handle it,” James replied with a small nod.

“…okay then.”

William closed his eyes and kept them shut for a long while, almost as if he had fallen asleep. The room remained silent as he thought. “What do you think they’re going to do to us?” he asked softly as he opened his eyes. Behind him, Gabe shrugged. “Are we going to get out of here?”

“We’ve been here for a day or two Bilvy,” Gabe whispered in his hurting, sleep deprived state. “Give it time. They’ll probably have us out of here within the next day, but until then we have to just hope.” William bit his lip and sighed.

“What did they do to you?” William asked as he twisted in Gabe’s grip to look at him. Gabe shrugged again before pressing his eyes shut. “You don’t remember?”

Gabe shook his head. “It’s not that I don’t remember. I just don’t want to tell you, like you didn’t tell me what they did to you.”

“Look, I’m sorry. I was hurting and I didn’t want to talk about it. They asked me to read something and I refused. They cut at me and stuff. It was torture, but if I had to do it again, I’d still choose to not read it. That thing was disgusting.”

Gabe looked down at William with sad eyes before squeezing his arms around William. “I read it,” he whispered. “They promised me they wouldn’t hurt you anymore if I read it, so I did. I didn’t know they were going to film it though, so when they did I stole the tape. I’m sorry for not telling you.”

“I understand,” William replied softly as he snaked his arms around Gabe’s waist. “And you’re forgiven. We both kept what they did to us from each other, so it’s fine. Not like we’re still keeping things from each other.” Gabe nodded before closing his eyes once more. “Oh look,” William mumbled as he looked up towards their window in the sky. “The sun’s coming up.”

“Today’s the day we’re being rescued,” Gabe replied softly. “I can just feel it.” William smiled for the first real time since they had been kidnapped before snuggling into Gabe’s arms. “Can we try and sleep now?”

“Absolutely,” William replied before letting out a small huff of air. He closed his eyes as well and pressed his head to Gabe’s chest, finally glad that he was with his lover rather than alone. Gabe squeezed William’s hands gently as he drifted off to sleep, finally relaxing under deep, even breaths.

William’s lips curled into a soft smile as he listened to the gentle breaths and soft heartbeat of his boyfriend. The steady beat below his head helped him fall into a comfortable and relaxing sleep.

He was startled awake mere hours later by the slam of the door to their room. In stepped a furious Riley and his two henchmen. “Your people are on their way to try and get you back, but they can’t do that if I have complete control of one of you can they?” William bit his lip and gripped onto Gabe’s hands, terrified. “Since I seemed to have promised Gabe his cuddle toy could be spared, I guess it’s going to be him. Gabe, come here now.”

“No,” William whispered in panic. Gabe mumbled something under his breath and let go of William before struggling to get out from under him. “No Gabe, you can’t!”

“William, don’t argue. Just move,” Gabe replied as he slid out from under him. William grabbed onto Gabe’s wrist but Gabe shook him off. “Behave,” he muttered before standing up and walking over to Riley, stumbling on his way.

Riley smiled and grabbed onto Gabe’s wrist the second it was in reach. “Good boy Gabriel,” he said with a wicked smile on his face. With that same sickly smile, he grabbed onto Gabe’s wrist with his other hand. “Aren’t you so obedient.” With that, he twisted his hands and with a sickening crunch, Gabe let out a tortured scream. “Oh, it seems I’ve broken your wrist. “Sorry.” There wasn’t a single tone of sorry in his voice, but that didn’t stop Gabe from looking up at Riley in pain.

“You’re a good…person,” Gabe gasped as Riley squeezed on his broken wrist. “Don’t do this…” Riley merely smirked before pushing Gabe back against the wall.

“You didn’t say that yesterday when I was torturing you terribly now were you?” Riley asked before punching Gabe in the gut. Gabe let out a pained moan and William stood up before charging at Riley. “Grab him,” Riley sighed and the two henchmen grabbed onto William before he could hurt their boss.

“Don’t hurt him,” Gabe breathed as he held his damaged arm to his body. “Torture me, but leave him alone.”

Riley laughed. “Don’t worry Gabe dear. I promised now didn’t I? A Nevan never goes back on their promise.” Gabe nodded and leaned against the wall, holding his injured arm in his other. “Just tell your lover to keep quiet or he won’t be under my protection any longer.”

“Bilvy,” Gabe said as he looked up at William. “Listen to me and keep quiet. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” William nodded and looked at Gabe, fear etched in his eyes. “I love you. Always have, always will.”

William swallowed, not liking the tone that Gabe had just said that in. “Love you too,” he whispered. Gabe smiled lightly and they shared a quiet moment until Riley broke it up.

“Okay, enough,” Riley said before moving so William could no longer see Gabe. “You had your moment so be quiet or something bad will happen.” Gabe nodded and Riley smirked before punching Gabe in the stomach once more. He flinched and moved, causing the tape he had stolen to fall out of his pocket. Riley reached down and picked it up before frowning. “Oh Gabriel, you made the wrong choice in stealing from me. You’re no longer safe now.”

One of the henchmen let go of William and  reached behind him to grab an iron pipe, causing William’s eyes to widen. “No, please no. Hurt me however you want. Just please don’t use that on him!”

“Too late,” Riley growled before grabbing the pip from his minion and clenching it tightly. “Better hope you live,” Riley said before pounding the pipe into Gabe’s chest.

The screams were horrifying. William desperately wanted to plug his ears and drown out the noise, but he couldn’t. Instead, he stared in horror as the man beat Gabe over and over, breaking bones and causing wounds to explode on Gabe’s gentle flesh.

After what seemed like hours, Riley dropped the pipe with a twisted smile. “Let go of the boy,” he ordered before walking to the door. “Give him a chance to say goodbye.” The henchmen dropped William, who immediately crawled over to his broken lover and pulled him into his arms.

“Stay with me baby,” he whispered as he cradled Gabe in his arms. “Please don’t leave me. Not here, not now.” Gabe moaned weakly and slid his eyes shut. “No! Stay awake. Keep looking at me.”

Gabe opened his eyes and looked at William. “Bilvy,” he whispered before closing his eyes again.

“Stay with me!” William cried as he checked to make sure Gabe was still breathing. He was fading quickly. William pressed his lips to Gabe’s and began breathing into Gabe, trying to keep him alive. Outside of the room, people were shouting and gunshots were ringing, but William didn’t realize that. All that mattered was keeping Gabe alive.

Blood fell fast from Gabe’s body, pooling around him like an ocean of cherry juice; red, clear and traumatizing. William checked Gabe for breath, but there was no return air. “Gabe!” William cried as he pressed his fingers to Gabe’s neck, checking for a pulse.

There was no pulse. Gabe Saporta was dead.

William let out a broken cry and the door burst open with U.S. guards and the security that was with them at the concert. Men pulled William away from Gabe’s body and out of the building to safety. On the way out, a stretcher and paramedics came in, but William knew it was no use. He knew that his lover was dead and there was nothing he could do to bring him back.

“He’s gone…” William mumbled as he buried his face in his hands. “He’s gone and it’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault,” James whispered softly as he put a gentle hand on William’s shoulder. William jerked away from him and James retracted his hand, remembering that he was not supposed to get too close to the patients.

William looked up from the silent tears that were streaming down his face. “Just leave me alone please,” he whispered softly. “Please leave me alone.”

James bit his lip before nodding. “If that’s what you’d like,” he said softly before getting up. “They’ll take the restraints off tomorrow, assuming you won’t do this again.” William nodded silently and James placed a gentle hand on the bed. “Look William, I have to say that he’s n-“

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” William mumbled. “Please just leave me alone.” James nodded solemnly and exited the room, but not before looking at William one more time. He left the broken man in his chains, keeping him locked up like the prisoner he was.

But this time he wasn’t a prisoner of war. This time he was a prisoner of his own doing.

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, story: lost until found, pairing: gabe/william, genre: angst, band: the academy is...

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