less cynical entry

Nov 30, 2006 01:52

So i'm not screwed when it comes to school.

My Psych. teacher is totally awesome. Yeah that's all you need to know, Dr. Gene Berry is totally badass.

Professor Becan is badass too, he's totally working around MY schedual and really worrying if i have enough time to study, but math really is a strong point of mine.

Professor Rollins left the two quizes and the test i missed in the history office so i can take it whenever.

Dr. Swanson gave me an incomplete so i just go to his class next semester on MWF from 12 - 12:30 (which i worked my schedual around)

Professor Wood said if i do 6 journals, take the grammer test (which i took today), turn my research paper in by Thursday, December 14 (i'm a little nervous about that one), go to one of the other final times for her class and do my inclass essay, and take the final i'll probably pass her class with a B or a high C, which apparently is a great grade for my class (they asked today who was making a A or a B in the class and no one is making those grades).

I decided it would be great to go to my dream school, but i won't be totally crushed.

and also i will probably stay at UTSA.

and i won't change my major.

I decided that last one because today i went to my Freshman Composition class and they were doing their presentations over their research papers and this one girl did cannibalism and she was talking about Dahmer (of course when you think of modernish day cannibals most think of him) and then was talking about two other ones and i was like, "That's what i'm intrested in i want to know why" so i'm not going to change my major. Because i want to learn from and maybe (doubt i could) help these criminals, i want to get in their heads per say.

Renee, Sean, and I went to Tejas today and then went and visited Dunn and then as we left we signed out and the lady got mad and told us that O'Connor is a closed campus, which i'm not exactly sure what that means but i'm still going to visit people without appointments.

AJ and I are okay.

My whole crying for no reason is still happening, but not as many tears.

I felt smart today, i don't know why, usually i don't feel smart, but today i did.

Oh and these two guys in my freshman composition class were doing their presentations and they were about Rock and Roll, one on the history of, and the other on the influence on pop culture. well one talked about how "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the Beatles made people want to do LSD even though the song's not about LSD, personally i don't think listening to that song will make you want to do LSD, even if you didn't know it wasn't about it. I've heard the song i don't know how many times, i like the song, never once have i wanted to try LSD though. and then he said that the Rolling Stones gave Rock the bad boy image, when i don't see Mick Jagger as a bad boy, maybe Keith Richards, but whatever, i think the thing that bothered me the most is he used bands and musicians he liked and not neccerally used them right in my opinion, but i don't know someone else could think he's the ultiment to go to for Rock history. I guess the main thing is he said Led Zepplin was the band that made rock songs have multiple stories going into them at once because of "Stairway to Heaven", but i would personally say Jethro Tull or some one else, i don't know i would have to research that one. don't get me wrong i agreed with him for some of it, like when he talked about Chuck Berry, Elvis, and Jerry Lee Lewis. The other guy he was explaining the sex part of rock and roll and he said Jimi Hendrix (which i believe both mentioned but they just mentioned Hendrix they didn't say "Jimi Hendrix and The Experience") was one of the main people who promoted sex, honestly i think Hendrix was attractive, but when i think of him i think of badass guitar, a lot of soul, and drugs, not really sex, but his theory was because Hendrix lit his guitar on fire and humped it, i know ya'll might be thinking for this next one that i'm only saying it because i love the doors, but i would have used them, because Jim Morrison was arrested for SUPPOSEDLY showing his male parts at a concert (only three people said he did, everyone else said it was his finger, including him), he acted like he was performing oral sex on Robby Krieger (the guitarist) in a concert, i mean plus Jim Morrison just SCREAMS as loud as possible "SEX SYMBOL!!!!!" The Doors are a band that i think sex.

tomorrow's going to be busy, i'm going to have to be at my first psych experiment at 12:30 (so that means leaving my house at 11:50, because i get lost in the HSS, laugh as much as you want it's confusing), then i'm going to either eat and then remake those things for History and then go to my next psych experiment at 4 (missing my history class), or i'm going to remake the test, eat and then go to the 2nd psych experiment, then i'm going to psych and AJ wants to hang out tomorrow, and i want to too, but i need to catch up on everything.

well this was a really good procrastination method, but now i'm going to go back to writing for english.
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