(no subject)

Nov 27, 2006 15:12

so i'm pretty much fucked as far as school goes.

so far twoish teachers said i can get an incomplete for their class, which is really sweet.

My Freshman Composition teacher is a total bitch and yeah that's how i feel about her, she's really rude and i don't have many good thoughts about her.  Even though when we called her the week i got sick she never returned my call, she's making it seem like i never tried to reach her, maybe she didn't get the call but i still think she's a huge bitch.  She says i'm not going to get an incomplete for her class, and told me to go to office max and get a laptop.  I never liked her in the first place.

I NEED to talk to my History prof. he's the only one i haven't talked to, i've tried to reach him many times, but have failed to get a response, but i'm going to see him tomorrow.

Also tomorrow i'm going to talk to my Psych. prof. he's the ish part of the incompletes.

My Geo. prof. is really nice and just told me to sit in for his class next semester.

I absolutly love my math teacher, next semester i'm going to take a course of his if i can find one, he's awesome, and so nice.

I gave up my dream of UT because of missing four weeks and not knowing if i can get incompletes.

So it seems i should have went to the college of MY choice instead of settling with what i thought i could accomplish.

I also decided Fall of 2007 i'm going to go to Northwest Vista, SACC, St. Philips (Renee seems to like it there), or any of the Alamo Community Colleges or take a semester off.

Also I think i'm going to change my major to something i'm good at, instead of something i'm really interested in, might as well do people's taxes for the rest of my life then try to help murders and rapist and such.

Maybe i wasn't ready for college.

other things in my life

I'm tired of my parents spending four weeks in one house with two people is not a good idea.

We're fighting alot now.  :(

At the end of next semester i'm moving out, hopefully.  (IF i can afford it of course)

I guess AJ and i are good

Becca, Renee and Nicassia all said i'm too nice.

I've been like REALLY REALLY REALLY overly emotional lately.

The other day i started crying for litterally no reason and then after  i was crying started to think of a reason to cry, yeah explain that please.

I'm going to go eat my weight in food.

I'll talk to ya'll laters.
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