The universe is telling us to go to New Zealand! :D Maybe aliens will invade Auckland or something, and give us a proper excuse to go.
And I feel you should know that while I was out food shopping this morning, I had no less than three people get me to autograph their copy of
Rose Tyler: Living a Lie. Then the bloke on the check-out asked if it was really true that I had a husband. When I said no, he asked if I wanted to go out for a drink (???) and then when I explained that none of it was true and that I was, in fact, married to you, he hmphed and was very stubbornly silent for the rest of the transaction. The old lady in line behind said I should sue for libel and that her grandson was a lawyer and if I'd just hold on a second she'd get me his number...
... On the plus side, I got the ingredients to make quadruple chocolate cake.
(I am good at running even with a wonky-wheeled trolley, by the way.)