Just another normal day being chased by an alien kidnapping conspiracy...

Aug 09, 2009 10:54

Over the past thirteen months I've sort of got used to people watching me. Less when I'm by myself, but when I'm out with Rose it's just a fact of life. So when I left Rose at the new place hard at work and went out to buy some equipment and parts, the fact that there were a couple of people watching me didn't really bother me.

Until "a couple" became five and I realised they were carrying concealed weapons. That was a bit of a wake up call.

Obviously I can't be certain because secret alien-hunting organisations don't tend to identify themselves, but I'm pretty sure it was WTTWII out for another go. So I did what all brave and daring Time Lords do, and hid in the gents'. Then, I thought: hang on, maybe I can find something out about them! So I snuck out and followed them when they'd given up on looking for me.

The flaw in this plan was that apparently I'm quite a distinctive looking bloke, and we'd only been going about two miles before one of them looked around and spotted me.

What followed was more legging it. Of course, when one of them (at least) started shooting (we'd got far enough out that there weren't any people around) it ceased to be playing fair and luckily, I was able to find a large B&Q, which I went into.

I fed one of the sales assistants, Becky, some story about gangs and that sort of thing (alien-hunting conspiracy, even these days, is not a very convincing reason) and she hid me in the staff break room and made me a cup of tea. It was only when she asked if I was single (which isn't exactly relevant to being chased by a gang, but humans are humans) that I remembered that, well, I wasn't. And I certainly wasn't alone, so I texted both Rose and Pete and demanded a rescue. Although I did find myself rather hoping Rose had her mobile off, because I didn't really want to drag her in. It's just, well, I remember last time.

Turned out I wasn't the only one with that idea, because Becky had pressed some sort of staff panic button and before Rose or Torchwood could get here, the police showed up. Fortunately, this wasn't what WTTWII had been planning on, so they scattered, leaving me safe. I hid from the police with Becky, who suggested we should go for coffee some time. I was about to say that sounded like fun (she did save me from dangers unknown, after all, and we'd had a nice chat about garden appliances) when Rose showed up. While I was saying hello to her, Becky wandered off. Rose said she'd probably wanted a date, which I suppose, on reflection, should have been a little more obvious.

But I'm safe and sound back with Rose now. :)

Susan, are you protected as much as you need to be?

this is not good, i did not need this!, being married to rose makes me happy, rose and i should hug more, shopping!, rose and i should kiss more, tyler^2 detective agency, i am a genius, i am apparently a celebrity, potential human menace, wttwii conspiracy, sneaking around, apparently this was flirting, rose is better than the rest of torchwoo

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