Gods and Shadow Creatures - Tempting

Aug 12, 2013 15:09

Here's more Gods and Shadow Creatures. This one takes place right after this story. There are allusions to [click]rape in this one.


Nico didn’t know how long he and Breccan sat on the bed in each other’s embrace. All he knew was that he didn’t want to let go -- he would probably never get to be this close to the man he loved again. As wrong as it was, he did want to take advantage of that.

“Th-thank you,” Breccan murmured, his face way too close to Nico’s own.

“It’s no problem,” Nico said, though that was a lie -- staying like this tested his self-control more than he cared to admit.

“You’re...warm,” he said. His voice held a certain quality, one Nico couldn’t quite place.

Nico shifted slightly, biting his lip as he fought his damnable impulses. Right now, he wanted to let go of his human form and use his seduction powers, no matter how many times he told himself it was wrong.

“Am I now?” Nico murmured.

“It -- it feels nice,” Breccan said.

“Excuse me?” he muttered, feeling his body flush. Hearing Breccan say something like that felt more than a bit awkward.

“You -- feel nice, when -- when we’re like this,” he said. Somehow, he pulled Nico closer to him, and Nico couldn’t quite make himself resist.

“...thank you?” Nico didn’t know how to respond to that, so he just kept embracing his friend. As they sat there, it became more and more difficult for Nico to keep himself from switching to his divine form and using those powers.

Breccan said nothing in response to Nico. Moments later, he drew himself backwards, just far enough to look Nico in the eye. His own gray eyes shined with a strange light that made Nico’s heart skip a beat.

“What are you doing?” Nico breathed.

“I -- don’t know,” Breccan said as his eyes continued to shine. Nico thought he could see evidence of a real soul inside them, something he knew he lacked.

Silence stretched the air as they looked into each other’s eyes. An intangible current moved sparked between the two, one Nico didn’t understand. He bit his lip again as he fought his darker impulses. The more the pair looked at each other like that, the more he wanted to drop his safe human form.

“Are you alright?” Breccan murmured, breaking the tension.

Nico shook his head, sighing. “Not really,” he murmured.

“I’m -- sorry to bother you like this,” he said, his face falling.

“You’re not bothering me. It’s not that,” Nico said. He lifted one hand and cupped Breccan’s cheek. What was he doing? To his surprise, the man didn’t pull away.

“Then what it is?” Breccan said, his voice almost a whisper.

Nico squeezed his eyes shut -- he didn’t know how to respond. His body thrummed with power that wanted to show itself, wanted to be used. Biting his lip again, he tried to fight his impulses, with limited success.

He dropped his human form.

The redheaded man drew backwards. “Nico...what -- what are you doing?” he breathed, eyes wide.

“I should go,” he muttered, standing up.

“Like that? Go where?” Breccan asked.

Turning his head away from the man, Nico started walking away. Something stopped him -- a hand encircled his wrist. Nico’s heart stopped, and he turned to face Breccan.

“Don’t -- please don’t leave,” he said, hand still around Nico’s wrist.

“You know what I am,” Nico said, though he didn’t try to make the other let go.

Breccan nodded. “I -- know. But...please don’t leave. Where would you even go?”

Nico shrugged. “I don’t know,” he sighed. “I just...you’re too --” He stopped himself from completing that sentence.

“Too what?” he asked, eyes begging for an answer.

“Too...tempting,” he sighed, looking down at the floor.

“What? How...? But you’ve never...” Breccan said. He drew in a deep breath, though he didn’t let go of Nico. “You never t-tried anything, not -- not even when you had the claim on me.”

Nico shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. “I wouldn’t do that, not after...what Egan did.” A weight settled on his shoulders when he thought of how he used to be. Not that long ago, he would have done as the other god had.

Now Breccan let go of him. “Why...not?” he whispered.

Still, Nico didn’t look at the young man. “Because it’s wrong,” he said.

A long silence filled the air. Neither of them could find words they wanted to say. With much reluctance, Nico looked over at Breccan. The young man looked down at the ground now, but he must have felt Nico’s gaze on him because he lifted his face. Their eyes met, and another strange energy passed between them, thick with all the problems that lay between the two.

“Please don’t go,” Breccan said. “Sit with me?”

“If you truly want me to...” Nico murmured. “I won’t...do anything.

“I know you won’t,” he said, eyes shining with what might have been tears. “Please, sit with me?”

Though Nico’s heart felt heavy, he sat down next to the young man. He wanted to say something to make things better. Why had he let Breccan know about his own twisted desires? And why did the sweet redhead not tell him to get himself far, far away? That made no sense to Nico.

“Why?” Nico asked.

“Why what?” Breccan said, his brow creasing.

“Why do want me to sit with you?” he murmured.

To Nico’s surprise, Breccan offered him the smallest of smiles. “We’re still friends, right?” he said.

“Friends?” Nico’s eyes widened to hear himself called “friend” right now.

“Aren’t we?” Breccan said, still smiling.

“We are,” he said. At least, he wanted to be the other’s friend.

Breccan folded his hands in his lap. “Good, I’m glad,” he said.

“Me too,” Nico said.

Relief flowed through Nico when he realized Breccan wouldn’t reject him outright for having feelings for him. He knew he didn’t deserve even that much kindness. Despite knowing that, though, part of him still wished he could have more than friendship with the young man.

He needed to make that part of him go away, no matter what he hoped.

character: nico, series: gods and shadow creatures, original fiction, 500themes, rating: pg-13, trigger: rape, character: breccan

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