NaNo Ridiculousness Chapter 7

Nov 10, 2012 20:58

Hey there,

Here's Chapter 7 of "I Prefer the Mind Control." I'm trying to make actual chapters now. Enjoy the NSFW ridiculousness!

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5(ish), Chapter 6


When the door to the interrogation room creaked open, I thought my remaining lifetime might be extremely short. Fuck. I grabbed Xan again. If whatever was on the other side of the door decided we were too much trouble to be allowed to live, I would at least die in Xan's arms. He embraced me, evidently feeling the same things I did.

The light above us flashed on, disorienting me and making me blink furiously. As quickly as I could, I turned off my night vision. The whatever that entered the room while I was distracted wasn't armed, but I felt not the least bit fucking safer. She was a cyborg, tall, lithe and silver-streaked, and with a definite “I could kill you just by thinking about it” vibe. Her skin was pale enough to glow, contrasting sharply with her close-cropped black hair. It was about as short as Xan's, but so...severe. Everything about the woman was severe. And hot, in a “scare the shit out of me” kind of way.

I couldn't help staring in a strange combination of admiration and fear. Her uniform was all black, though I honestly noticed the body beneath it more. The scary cyborg woman had few curves and seemed like she would beat you up if you called her flat-chested. Evidently, being arrested had made me lose my fucking mind.

In my arms, Xan tensed more than he ever had before. The lady must have scared the shit out of him, too. Part of me wondered why we weren't dead yet.

“Kingdom Security Master Arco,” Xan stammered.

Kingdom Security Master? Oh fucking shit. That was not the kind of job description you wanted to run afoul of.

“Prince Xan Yavion,” Arco said flatly, “I didn't expect I would ever see you in this context. I would suggest you let go of your little plaything. This is a serious matter.”

Xan let go of me extremely reluctantly, sliding his arms off me slowly enough I could feel how he shook. I let go of him in turn, trying to avoid Arco's hard silvery eyes. I knew lack of eye contact read as suspicious, at least on planet Earth, but we were already fucking suspicious and those eyes would burn your soul.

While I tried to avoid Arco's eyes, they certainly didn't try to avoid me. I felt her scan me up and down, examining every fucking inch of my body. I burned and shivered at the same time, feeling my cheeks heat up, like she were checking me out as a potential mate rather than as a potential dead man. Xan stood as close to me as he dared. Breathing became nearly fucking impossible with all the tension in the room. Dammit, I wished I could hold Xan right now. If I were going to fucking die, I wanted to die in his arms.

Arco said, “Dylan Hathaway. That is your name, correct?”

“That's - that's correct,” I stammered.

“For such a newcomer, you've already caused a fair amount of trouble. Do you deny this?” I could feel her gaze burning into me.

I had just enough functioning brains left to wonder why exactly the “Kingdom Security Master” was dealing with us. Were we that important? I didn't actually ask this, being barely capable of forming words.

“Xan had a right to know!” Shit. I had not meant to fucking say that. Fucking shit.

Thankfully, my outburst didn't result in my immediate death. Somehow.

Arco said, “'Rights' are secondary when interplanetary security at stake.”

My mind snapped. Totally fucking snapped, worse than I thought possible. If I thought I had lost my mind before, that was nothing compared to now because I blurted out, “If security is important enough for you to hide King Myd's illness from his own son, you should make his apartment a little less easy to break into and leave!”

Fuck fuck fuckity fuuuuuuuuuuck, why in the name of everything ever in the entire universe and all possible universes did I say that?

Judging by the crackling tension coming from Xan, he was wondering the same thing. Time to be murdered, I supposed. Oh fuck.

Arco didn't murder us right then. Instead, she smirked. “You do have a point, and we are working to correct that particular problem. Being as I was a bit removed from the logistics, I did not notice how poorly Palace Security was dealing with the matter at hand. That said, I would suggest you do not question our methods again. You don't want to get on my bad side.”

“We're not on your bad side, Kingdom Security Master Arco?” Fuck, why couldn't I keep my damn mouth shut?

She gave me a strange smile I couldn't quite interpret. “No, Dylan you are not yet on my bad side. And you may call me Firi.”

Kingdom Security Master Arco, who scared me too much to immediately think of her as “Firi,” turned to look at Xan who seemed nearly frozen with fright. “Prince Yavion, what do you suppose ought to be done to resolve our little problem here?”

“You - you're asking me?” Xan's face showed considerable disbelief, and Arco's question reeked of fucking trickery, like no matter what answer Xan gave, she would twist it into something utterly horrible.

“Is that a trick question? Like, no matter what Xan says, you'll find some creative way to kill and or torture us?” Yep, I was fucking insane. Why couldn't I keep my fucking mouth shut? Seriously.

Arco smirked even worse, her eyes flashing like she were planning something devious. “You have quite the mouth on you.” She addressed Xan. “Your little pet should really put that mouth of his to better use.”

Xan asked, “Master Arco, what - what exactly are you suggesting?”

“I have an idea,” she said.

“And what is this idea?” Xan said hesitantly.

“It doesn't involve us dying, does it?” Dammit, did you have to “bless” me with the inability to keep my mouth shut in high-stress situations?

Arco smiled at us. “Dying? No, I don't play that rough.” She paused for dramatic effect, obviously savoring the tension in the air and then looking directly at Xan. “If you let me borrow your mouthy little plaything, I won't have to arrest either of you or otherwise cause you any...difficulty.”

“Master Arco, are you saying that if I let you take a turn with Dylan here, you won't have us arrested or anything like that?” Xan looked at her, getting even tenser, which I didn't think was possible. He seemed like he might snap, and I didn't want my lover to snap.

She nodded. “Indeed, Prince Yavion, that is what I'm saying. If you allow me this, I won't have to imprison you or otherwise keep you from talking. You may be royalty, but I wouldn't hesitate with you should you refuse this generous offer. It's pretty simple, really. All you two would have to do is swear yourselves to secrecy after I was done with your pretty little friend. If you give Dylan to me, that would be enough evidence you could be trusted, or close enough to trusted, anyway. And I don't think he would mind, either, not with the way he was obviously checking me out.”

Shit, she noticed that? Maybe my unbelievably inappropriate behavior was a good thing? Because if Xan agreed to this, we wouldn't, you know, fucking die or anything. And, no, I wouldn't mind. Even if Kingdom Security Master Firi Arco scared me like whoa. Didn't they do some scientific study back on Earth that said humans were stupid and confused fear arousal with sexual arousal? Wasn't that why some website said you were supposed to take your date to a horror movie? To scare her into wanting to bone you? Why was I even thinking about that stuff? Right, because I was fucking insane, that was why. Truth be told, I wasn't sure exactly what kind of arousal I felt at the moment, but it was something.

Xan said, “And, Master Arco, if I do as you ask, you promise to let us go free?”

She smiled. “I promise.”

I could have tried my lie detector powers on her, but I was, for one, too afraid, and, for another, not sure they would work on a fellow cyborg. Also, I feared she might know I tried and thus kill me.

Arco continued, “Though it's debatable how 'free' your friend really is, not that he seems to mind. So, Prince Yavion, do you accept my offer? Yes or no, the choice is yours.”

The following pause could have beat any other pause I had experienced to death several times. I didn't see exactly why Xan was taking so long to answer. It seemed to me the choice would be simple, as I was sure Xan didn't want to die or be a prisoner, either. Okay, fine, Arco was manipulating him in a rather asshole sort of way, but if he were worried about what I would think, he didn't need to do so. I wished I could tell him I was fine with this particular deal, but I didn't want to risk opening my mouth and having the verbal equivalent of a nuclear missile fly out of it. There had been enough of that, thank you very much.

Finally, Xan spoke. “This deal is...acceptable, provided you treat Dylan well.”

“Oh, I treat my partners very well, I assure you.”

I believed her, especially with the way she looked at me.

Arco shot me a very predatory look, and I felt my entire body heat up at that. She said, “Excuse me for a moment, I just have to I'll be back in a moment.”


She walked to the other side of the room and placed her hand against the wall. Huh? What was she doing? Imitating a ghost, it turned out, because she walked right through the fucking wall. Were none of the walls in this Palace actually, you know, solid?

Xan hugged me now that Arco had temporarily left. He whispered, “I'm sorry about the circumstances of this.”

I said, “I don't mind, really. Doesn't this kind of thing happen fairly often on Zimara, anyway? How's this that different than giving me to Jirrin? Or letting Berri touch me? And I liked that stuff.” A lot.

He thought about it. “I suppose it's not all that different, is it? This sort of thing is common enough. But I - I know you're new here and I didn't want to overstress you, or push you too far, too soon. This may be how things work on my home world and how I want them to work with you, but I - I just wasn't sure you were ready.”

“I'm ready.”

My words seemed to summon Arco, who reappeared holding what looked like space age handcuffs. They were made partly of the usual silver metal, in addition to having parts of them that glowed and cycled through all the colors of the rainbow. Damn, Zimarans seemed to love their rainbow lights. So Arco was into that sort of stuff? I wasn't remotely surprised. And somehow I didn't think she used the glowy handcuffs for the average prisoner.

She turned to Xan, dangling the pair of handcuffs from her finger. “So, may I?”

“You may.”

Arco looked at me, and the heat already in my body increased by a lot. I could feel the mind control, and I couldn't help smiling. It helped that Xan noticed my reaction and smiled back. He looked relieved, like he was finally sure that I was okay with this. His expression changed then to one of definite interest.

He asked Arco, “Am I allowed to watch?”

“Of course. It's not like you're allowed to go anywhere.” She addressed me, “Dylan, why don't you get yourself out of those clothes?”

I was only too happy to obey. First, I pulled off my tiny little shirt, letting it drop to the floor. Arco admired me, her eyes roaming all over my chest. My cheeks heated up, as did other parts of me. Anybody could tell I was already growing hard through my flimsy silver shorts. I kicked off my shoes and removed the shorts too. As I stepped out of them, Arco took the time to examine all of me. I flushed, thoroughly enjoying this. Xan enjoyed it, too, if his lascivious grin were any indication.

Arco noticed I was looking at Xan. “See? This agreement will benefit all of us. Now, Dylan, you need to pay attention to me. And why don't you have a seat like a good boy?”

She pulled one of the metal chairs away from the interrogation table and gestured to it. The back of it was made of five vertical bars with a sixth perpendicular bar making up the top of the chair. It didn't look designed for comfort, which I suspected to be on purpose .I did as Arco asked and sat down. She pulled my hands behind me and through the back of the chair, handcuffing them around two of the chair's bars so I couldn't detach myself from said chair. Her face clearly said “you're mine until I'm done with you.”

I kept calling her “Arco” because she still scared me too much to think of her on a first-name basis.

“Now what am I going to do with you?” she said.

Arco stood behind the chair and let her hands lightly fall around my neck. She purred, “I can't kill you now, can I?” She squeezed my neck, making it hard to breathe. You would think this would freak me out, and it should have. It didn't though, as she couldn't actually kill me according to the agreement. She squeezed just a bit harder. It excited me.

“But you are in my power, and I can hurt you, if I like. After all, you are my prisoner.” She let go of my neck, letting me breathe again. I gasped, struggling to get enough air and wondering what Arco might do with me next. She leaned over me. “Hmm, I see you rather liked that. You make a good little plaything, don't you? No wonder Xan took you here all the way from Earth.”

I didn't think I was actually supposed to answer that. I had risked enough speaking out of turn, and the question sounded rhetorical. Now that the situation was considerably less stressful, my mouth seemed to be working again. For now. Because high-stress situations were just the best time to say stupid shit. Obviously.

Arco walked around to face me. Her eyes said “I will eat you” and she was the kind of woman who would bite, if I were assessing her correctly. She grasped my chin and stared me directly in my own eyes. I quivered, and she smirked. Arco squeezed my jaw hard enough that it hurt before letting me go and kissing me with enough force the chair slid backwards.

She tasted fucking amazing; her lips were tart, like sexy lemonade. What? “Sexy lemonade” is a valid description!

Arco wasted no time pressing her tongue into my mouth. I eagerly accepted, playing off her. Xan had no need to worry; I fucking wanted this, an ache building between my legs and my whole body filling with a desperate heat. When a strangled moan escaped me, Arco chuckled. She withdrew from my lips and said, “Aren't you romantic? You clearly like kissing. Since you're being so good, perhaps I won't have to hurt you. Too much.”

I wouldn't mind if she did actually did hurt me.

“So, what next?” she murmured.

It felt like another rhetorical question, one which she answered by biting down on my neck hard enough that I yelped.

Arco laughed. “Remember, I did say 'too much,' didn't I?”

I didn't even nod. Her silvery eyes were fucking hypnotic then, freezing me in place. I was her prey, which she demonstarted by biting down on my neck again. As before, I yelped. It was the good kind of yelping though, as I was quivering with pleasure as well as hurting.

She noticed. “Do you like that? Do you enjoy pain? What would you do if I decided to smack you around a little?”

Was that maybe a question I was actually supposed to answer?

Apparently not. “Hmm, I think you would like it, you little slut.”

Her eyes flashed and she gave me the most predatory look. Was she actually going to hit me?

She was. Arco smacked me across the cheek. I blinked, for a second not even realizing what had happened. Damn, she hit hard. I couldn't help smiling. The lady was fucking serious. My cheek burned from being hit, and the rest of me heated up, making the ache between my legs all the worse.

Arco purred, “That's for discovering something that should have been kept secret.”

She did it again, hitting even harder. I gasped, out of a combination of shock and pleasure. You might not think being hit would be pleasant, but the way she did it? And the way Arco smiled down at me, completely dominating my psyche? Fucking hot. That “I own you” look? It made my heart race in the best possible way.

I moaned, just from the way she looked at me. She didn't even have to do anything except look at me to make my whole self shiver.

Arco said, “It's not much of a punishment if you enjoy it so much, is it? But maybe that's because you're just a little whore who's always wanting more.”

Damn, the look she gave me right then? It could level cities. For all I knew, she was high ranking enough that her cyborg technology would let her level a city or two. Fucking hell, Zimarans were just an unfairly seductive species, never mind the fact that they seemed to think I was unnaturally seductive.

I saw Xan, who looked like he had forgotten all about his reluctance to lend me out to Firi Arco, who I still couldn't help thinking of as “Arco” most of the time. “Firi” was the kind of girl who didn't handcuff you to a chair in an actual interrogation room. She sounded more like a Manic Pixie Dream Girl than anything, and I didn't think Kingdom Security Master Firi Arco was exactly a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Besides, I didn't need one of those as I wasn't cold-hearted, stiff and “unable to enjoy love” or anything. Really. Why do you think I'm lying? It's not like I have a Dark and Troubled Past. At least not one I'm going to tell you about.

What, you think you'll find out about my past just because you're the author? It doesn't necessarily work that way. Don't look at me like that!

Anyway, Xan definitely eyed the proceedings with significant lust, his own gorgeous bronze eyes sparkling like he were really fucking enjoying himself. Speaking of enjoying oneself, I was having a hell of a time, especially when Firi Arco slowly began to undo her uniform. I didn't expect her to be a teaser, being as she was so forceful with me, but it kind of made sense. The lady liked to be in control, apparently.

She stopped undoing the uniform right as I was getting a flash of boob. Dammit. She smirked. “Oh, you would like to see that, wouldn't you? An eager boy like yourself always wants to look, doesn't he? Didn't your parents ever teach you patience?”

I didn't think patience should apply here, only she were in control and thus I had to wait. It was hotter that way, actually, the anticipation burning in me and making me grow ever harder. Firi noticed how aroused I was.

“I can tell I'm making you so very hot,” she said.

“So very hot” was a fucking understatement. Seriously. And, hey, did I just refer to her as “Firi” for once? I guessed the power of potentially seeing boobs made me think of her on a first name basis or something? Boobs were mighty powerful. So were the various aspects of the male form.

Firi purred, “I like seeing how much power I have over you. I like watching you squirm.”

Was I squirming? Yeah, I fucking was, her silvery eyes working their magic and making me gasp just from her stare. Dammit, Zimarans were really made of drugs or magic or something. Fucking magic drugs, dammit. They were amazing, like whoa.

“It's amazing what I can do to you just by looking,” Firi remarked. “You are amazing, because you'll just melt. You want me really, really bad, don't you, little slut?”

I did. I seriously fucking did.

Firi played with her uniform again, her eyes flashing in an especially mischievous kind of way. Ever so fucking slowly and teasingly, she pulled at her uniform, this time finally allowing her chest to be exposed. And damn, what a chest. Sure, they were small, but, contrary to popular belief, size wasn't everything. The shape? Fucking perfect. Because everything about Firi's species was physically fucking perfect.

My jaw may have dropped, just a little. Or a lot. Of course, she noticed that, too, and smirked. “Like what you see? Obviously you do.”

“Like” would be a fucking understatement. When Firi started wiggling out of the rest of her uniform, I almost lost it. She took her damn time, all the while having a knowing “I'm in control” expression on her face. All of it was incredibly hot. And incredibly painful because I ached so bad but couldn't do a thing about it since my hands were cuffed to the chair.

A fact which Firi knew. She walked over to me and leaned over so her chest was in my face, just for a second. “You would like to touch, wouldn't you? Too bad you don't have your hands free.”

She stepped back and knelt in front of my chair. Was she going to do what I thought she might? My cock ached at the possibility. When she leaned over, I nearly gasped in anticipation. When she actually put her lips to my tip, I moaned, feeling my whole body heat up. I should have known that wouldn't last, though.

Firi stood up, chucking. “Oh no, not today, pretty one.”

I fucking whined. She wasn't going to just stop now, was she? Her eyes stared into mine, making me shiver and ache even more.

“Don't worry, I'm not going to stop now. I can tell you were concerned about that, and I don't like to leave my partners hanging. That wouldn't be fair, though you did cause me trouble and might deserve it. I am, however, feeling nice today.” Firi smiled as she straddled me.

She said, “While I am feeling nice enough to let you come, I am not feeling so patient. I want you inside me.”

I was okay with that. More than okay with that.

My whole body tensed as Firi lowered herself onto my length. I gasped as she did this because damn. She felt fucking good, a perfect warmth and tightness that just swallowed me whole. If I thought that was something, I was wrong. It got a whole lot more intense when she placed her hands around my neck again and squeezed.

She purred, “You don't really need to breathe, do you?”

Seeing as she had her hands around my neck, I couldn't really answer that, not that I thought I was supposed to. She slid up and down my cock, moving faster and faster. I tried to match her rhythm, thrusting in time with her as much as I could. The inability to breathe properly made everything that much hotter; my body felt like it was seconds from releasing.

My vision started to go funny as Firi squeezed yet harder. She chuckled. “My, my you are so in my power, aren't you, Dylan? You would die happy if I killed you now, wouldn't you?”

I couldn't argue with that.

Right when I thought I might pass out from ecstasy and lack of oxygen, I came. My whole body shuddered, shaking to its very fucking core. After that, I did pass out. When I regained consciousness a few seconds later, Firi's hands no longer around my neck, I could see she had come herself. Damn, it sucked that I missed her orgasm, but the passing out? Powerfully sexy stuff.

As I slid out of her, she smiled. Satisfaction covered her features. I imagined I looked much the same. Damn fuck, was I totally spent from that. Firi stepped off me.

She lightly brushed my cheek. “Thank you for that. You were such a good boy. It was so much fun having you in my power. I have half a mind to leave you cuffed to the chair until you recover so I can take another turn. Perhaps some other time, I'll have to get Prince Yavion to let me borrow you, but, for now, I do plan to let you go.”

Slowly, I started to recover some of my mind, though I still felt rather foggy. I could see Xan's expression well enough. With how impressed he looked, I thought he might be more than willing to let Firi borrow me again, even if we weren't in trouble for discovering secrets that shouldn't have been secrets.

To be fair, though, I couldn't help wondering what other weird secrets might be hiding in this Palace. I recalled Jirrin's “doomsday weapon” theory and thought again that it wasn't entirely implausible. I would rather not stumble upon any Zimaran nuclear warheads or similar, though. That would be scary.

Xan asked, “So, does this mean we're no longer in trouble?”

Firi nodded. “As long as you swear yourselves to secrecy, you're free to go and no longer 'in trouble' as you say.”

“I swear,” Xan said.

Was I supposed to speak? I said, “I swear.”

“Very good, very good. I suppose I can trust you two enough not to say anything.” Firi then released me from the strange rainbow lighted handcuffs. “You should probably put your clothes back on. I would suggest you two get out of here quickly, before I change my mind.”

I didn't think she would really change her mind, but I moved as quickly as I possibly could. This wasn't that quick, though, because, after all, I had been handcuffed to a chair for who knew how fucking long. I stretched, my muscles having gotten rather cramped from, well, everything. Slowly, I got up and gathered my clothes from where I had left them.

After I put them back on, Firi suggested to Xan, “Prince Yavion, you should probably take Dylan back to your room. After all, I doubt he's gotten very much sleep. He may be enhanced, but even we cyborgs need some rest. Or, if you're so inclined, you don't have to let him rest.”

Going back to Xan's room sounded like as good an idea as any to me.

Xan agreed, “Yes, I think I will do that.”

I was more than happy to follow Xan out of the interrogation room and more than happy to let him put an arm around my waist as he guided me through the halls of the Palace. That had been one fucking close call; I seriously thought we might actually die for real. Damn, was I glad to be alive, and, better yet, I got some hot sex out of it. Xan may have been worried about lending me to Firi Arco, but I hadn't minded. At all.

That said, I would have liked some actual rest because even my shiny new brain was tired. I put my own arm around Xan and enjoyed the walk through the hallways. So far, life in the Palace had been something of an insane adventure, but, hey, no death. I liked the lack of death. I also liked being here with Xan. Okay, I way more than liked that. Damn fuck, was I one fucking lucky guy to get someone like Xan. Just, damn fuck.

character: firi, nanowrimo, nano novel 2012, character: dylan, nsfw (actual sexual content - really!), character: xan, pairing: xan/dylan, trigger: dubcon, pairing: firi/dylan, series: i prefer the mind control

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