Jan 12, 2009 12:53
I am going to posit a theorum,
1. The Likelyhood of any event happening is inversely proportional to the AWESOMENESS of that event happening.
Q."What is the likelyhood that nymphomaniac fairies from space present me with my own FTL mecha and the missing dr. who episodes?"
A. probability = 0%
2. The Likelyhood of an event happening is proportional to how BOGUS it is.
Q."What is the likelyhood that all british films this year feature; judy dench or helen mirren, go on about how grim it is up north, are a lockstockalike, are a twee rom com, or are a flat comedy featuring some tv comedy actors who've just made it big."
A. probability ~ 100%
This can be extended into the political arena. but the second principal is at least one you can influence. use the tools that politicians tend to use on each other, threats and blackmail. skeletons exist, the internet will find them and acts as an awesome echo chamber when the wrongdoings of pols are on offer.