Full episodes of Buffy are available for free and legally ad-supported at hulu.com. Yaaaay! The theme is thus far reminiscent of Charmed (assorted creatures of darkness converge on the hometown of the protagonists and need to be beaten back and inspire clever one-liners) but the writing's a little better and the character development a little weaker, at least so far - knowing that it's Joss Whedon makes me convinced that the latterwill improve.
Monday Lunch: Tuna sandwiches. Dessert: Girl Scout cookies.
Monday Snack: Hershey hugs.
Monday Dinner: Tilapia fillets and boursin mashed potatoes. Dessert: Rice pudding with cinnamon.
Tuesday Lunch: Clam chowder. Dessert: ice cream.
Tuesday Dinner: Broccoli and cauliflower in spicy sauce. Dessert: ice cream.
Wednesday Lunch: Mashed potatoes. Dessert: Hershey Hugs.
Wednesday Dinner: Clam chowder.