Apr 16, 2006 12:13
It indeed has been a long time. I moved in with my aunt Janet, i rent out her basement its pretty cool i guess i dont have the internet hooked up down there yet, but i did buy a new laptop for when i do such a thing. I hope everyone is havign a wonderful easter.
I dont htink the pain of losing my dad will ever go away, it hit me last nite that this was going to be the first holiday without him, and hten his bithday which is less then a month away also a week before mine & then after that its fathers day, no one knows how bad it hurts and how hard it is.....but i just put on a happy face because its easier to pretend then to cry all the time, thank you for everyone who had kind words for me, and for everyone who has been there to listen to me, i love you all for that. Anyway im at my Aunt Joyces, and everyone is out in the living room so im going to go join them & then go with Bill to his moms house, Everyoen have a very safe & happy easter..