Note to Cat

Nov 26, 2012 21:50

Dear Tabbi Kat,

Trying to dig me through the duvet at 6am is rather annoying. It is also doomed to failure unless you can work out how to use scissors. I know you are used to me letting you under there when you scrat at the top, that is a completely different matter. By my knees, for example, just doesn't work.

Let's talk about the time. 6am for pities sake! You know I need a lot of sleep, I cannot help it. I know you aren't short of food, not with there being roughly 2 days worth of kibble split between two bowls. So the excuse you are starving doesn't hold water.

Your, excavated,


PS, one thing I do know, is that if you hadn't woken me something might well have not held water. I really was in pain and needing a pee.

Dear Jenny Cat,

Sitting on my hip whilst I try and get back to sleep is a little disruptive. Not half as disruptive as when you pounce on any part of me that so much as twitches though. Even so, there are plenty more comfortable spots to sit. Spots that don't hurt my dodgy hip for starters. Please use them.

Your, squished,


animals:tabbi kat, animals:kittehs, note_to_cat, animals:jenny cat

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