The Consort of the Moons

Jul 07, 2010 00:22

Random title that sounds like it ought to be a 1950s pulp science fiction novel.

Last night I set my alarm for 7am so I could have a leisurely morning before heading off for an appointment with my counsellor. Instead I was woken up by men mending the road outside my house at 8am. Glad that the appointment wasn't until 11am, but still. I know I switched the alarm on, but when I was woken the alarm was switched off and my bedding was all tangled. Obviously not a restful night. Took BP, which was 122/78 (HR 60). By the time I'd breakfasted, abluted and dressed it was time for a gentle walk to the Medical Centre to see my counsellor. It was very busy and noisy in the waiting room this morning and sat in the middle of it all I could feel myself becoming edgy. I did try to just focus on my breathing to keep it under control with limited success, but at least I didn't reach for the valium.

After a good chat about this that and t'other - anxiety (she'd noticed my body language when she came to get me from the waiting room), self-harm, stressors in my life, &c. My time was up, actually more than up as we overran as usual, I'm sure each session could easily last a couple of hours, but we are limited to 45 min. Still it helps. I then had to get myself over to my dentist's. As the weather was nice enough I decided to walk over through the park. Somehow I ended up playing on the swings, I've no doubt that certain friends will mention this to me at a later date as I was spotted.

Whilst waiting at the dentist ended up chatting to another woman about generalities, and bemoaning the scarcity of NHS dentistry, until I was called by my dentist. After the usual checks he decided I need fillings doing in lower right #7, upper right #5 and upper left #7. the two #7 have missing fillings they fell out in the last couple of weeks, the #5 just has a very worn filling in it. I'm one of the folks who in the 70s had a "drill and fill" dentist, which has left me with a mouth full of amalgam fillings, which are all gradually wearing out. He put in a couple of temporary ones which are supposed to last until next week when I have a long appointment to get the work done. Long term though, some of these fillings are going to have to be replaced with crowns.

Yr 'umble serpentFrom the dentist's as I was feeling okayish so decided that I'd take a little walk along the canal. Not that I was particularly suitably dressed, as can be seen from the photo. Black/grey tie dye, with the skirt pretty much ankle length, yep very appropriate for a walk along towpaths and through fields. I ended up at Acton Bridge and popped into the Leigh Arms for an half of decent cider. "'Scuse me barman my cider has lumps in it." Yes, decent stuff not that god awful chemical brew known as Strongbow (or worse still Woodpecker). Whilst up that way I had a quick hunt for a geocache with only a vague memory of what the hint was and no co-ordinates. To my surprise I did find it.

Walked back along the Navigation to Saltersford Locks where I took a few more piccies. I did notice this time that alongside the lock that is now a sluice the filled remains of a second lock. From there I then walked up the hill to rejoin the canal. The last half mile of the walk home was an utter slog. I'm still not back to where I was last spring where I could walk 20miles and barely notice it. I'm getting there slowly, and I'll get back there eventually. I also called in at the garden centre on the way past to find that they now have a craft shop, now that becomes very dangerous as they have a range of beading supplies, with nothing planned though I was able to prise myself away from the crafty stuffs without spending anything and actually go by the mint I'd actually gone in to get.

Once home the largest of the temporary fillings fell out whilst I was eating my dinner. I'm not going to make an emergency appointment just to have the temporary filling replaced it can last a week. After being home about 30 mins I checked my BP which again as expected was fairly normal (128/84 HR 66).

Acton Bridge - A49 crossing of the Weaver Navigation
Watch out as full size of this one is 27MB and 9300px wide, four images off the compact digicam stitched together using Hugin.


therapy, dentist, walking

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