
Jul 02, 2010 13:15

Apparently for the last 7 years I've been lying on health questionnaires.


In 2003 I had high blood pressure I was diagnosed with it. I refused specific treatment and carried on my way. It was high because I was in a lot of pain having 3 days earlier binned a bike at 60mph by hitting debris on a bend, I was also 19st. Both things that would it was admitted cause a rise in BP. The treatment I was offered, sorry, it was insisted that I take was a beta-blocker, my response to that was that I'd continue to refuse them until it was obvious that with
  1. weight at a reasonable level, and
  2. pain free
my BP was still high. It is noted in my records that treatment was refused. Hence, when health questionnaires have asked "Are you being treated for … High Blood Pressure …" I've always answered no.

Overtime, with a big drop when the sever pain resolved, my BP declined to an average of 135/80 with occasional high readings and I thought no more about it, until Tues when the referral letter to the hospital mentioned under active conditions that I was being treated for high BP. Since late 2006 my BP has been monitored whenever I've visited the GP and I've put that down to being on HRT. Seems I was wrong, it was because of the diagnosis in 2003.

Today seeing the doc about something else gave me the opportunity to ask and so the above story unfolded. She did check my BP and yes it was higher than the target for my age (155/95 instead of 150/90), she did say that I looked very stressed and that that won't be helping. We've agreed that for the next few weeks that I'll monitor my BP at home, first thing, around the middle of my day, and just before bed. I'm fortunate that I do have a good blood pressure monitor (Omron M5). She knows that if prescribed a beta-blocker that I won't take them, but as they are no longer the drug of choice she'd be suggesting something else.

So yeah, let's add more to the things Alice will worry about, and then wonder why she's stressed and anxious.

Heron - Vale Royal Locks


health:docs, health:general

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