Insult to injury?

Jul 01, 2010 18:07

This afternoon I popped down the docs to sort a few things out and also went to the pet shop for a frozen weaner rat. As I'm walking home eating a nommy toffee *crunch* *ow* a filling came out.

There went the filling in upper left #7. Two and a half years ago my dentist, who might well soon be my ex-dentist, sorted out that and #8 as I'd gone to see him with excruciating toothache. Two weeks after the new filling was done I went back with an uneven bite. He ground a little off the filling. All was well for a few weeks, and the same thing happened again. I ignored it because I had other things on my plate. At the next check up he took a bit more of the filling. Rinse and repeat, add in ignoring me telling him that there must be something wrong as every time I visit he grinds more off that filling. Until today when it parts company with the tooth.

Now if you've ever looked at a filling that has fallen out the back of the filling is a dull grey with maybe a bit of whitish packing on it. This one is a glorious matt black. I feel that my complaints of there being something wrong were fully justified. If it doesn't get sorted properly this time I'll be making a complaint and looking for a new dentist.


dentist, health:general

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