Today's Tweets

Feb 27, 2009 00:10

  • 00:48 @ twiggydyke *snog* #
  • 00:55 @ stephenfry who said that :) #
  • 01:06 @ lycangrrl don't clamp the pointy hat on too tight it'll squash the ears #
  • 01:15 @ twiggydyke ^snuggle* #
  • 07:18 @ ethyl_deadgirl *scritches* :) #
  • 07:27 @ Storm_Crow sleeepy... #
  • 07:33 @ Storm_Crow never mind outside, cold inside. #
  • 07:46 @ roobarb eeek! #
  • 07:51 @ roobarb *offers rubber mask* #
  • 07:56 @ roobarb i is a brat :p #
  • 08:06 @ Storm_Crow I'm curled up under a duvet on the sofa #
  • 08:13 @ junk_monkey It's a *wrong* time of day #
  • 08:14 @ NovaWildstar morning #
  • 08:16 @ Schofe scrambled eggses with bacon :) #
  • 08:24 @ NovaWildstar neck is achy, it was x-rayed yesterday, so hopefully we'll get to find out how bad things really are. #
  • 08:25 I should get dressed etc, I have to go to Stafford today #
  • 08:26 @ NovaWildstar *snuggles* #
  • 08:37 @ Fearnecotton can't have too much coffee... #
  • 09:11 @ ethyl_deadgirl that's because you haven't chained me to it ;) #
  • 10:11 On train heading for Stafford #
  • 10:13 @ snakeyjack @ethyl_deadgirl flannel may be practical, but it's hardly seductive #
  • 10:13 @ ethyl_deadgirl oooh, thank you Miss #
  • 10:14 @ gothicat morning and a chilly one it is too #
  • 10:15 @ ThePerkyGoth rather sub-optimal that is. :S #
  • 10:16 @ NovaWildstar English ones are real, American ones are the fakes. #
  • 10:18 @ NovaWildstar true, but to tell the truth, I prefer the thin French crepes. #
  • 10:25 @ buddhapest if that is so, someone needs to show me the error of my ways. :O #
  • 10:29 @ ceridwenthecat *scritches* #
  • 10:33 @ buddhapest @DominaCaffeine @NovaWildstar i can haz glue #
  • 10:38 i go now Stafford #
  • 11:21 @ snakeyjack @ethyl_deadgirl @lucian72 but flannel sheets when I'm chained to the bed to keep it warm? #
  • 11:35 @ ramtops the kittins have been hiding it. #
  • 11:40 @ snakeyjack @ethyl_deadgirl coverhogging will only keep *you* warm... #
  • 13:35 70 lengths in the pool - most for a long time #
  • 13:40 Argh... I wonder why my coffee tasted funny 21 on the machine is white *with* sugar. No like sugar in my coffee. #
  • 13:43 @ ethyl_deadgirl @snakeyjack impure thoughts? Who would have believed it *g* #
  • 13:46 @ snakeyjack *snuggles* #
  • 13:47 @ snakeyjack Eeep! *hugs* #
  • 13:54 @ ramtops yes, bean to cup though #
  • 13:55 @ ethyl_deadgirl sorry Miss #
  • 13:55 @ ethyl_deadgirl Oh hang on why am I appologizing? I like being spanked :p #
  • 16:56 @ ceridwenthecat yay *fuzzles* #
  • 16:58 Arse :( Neck has just gone loudly crack, is painful, left eye feels odd and I have pain in my left elbow/upper arm. #
  • 19:00 @ Storm_Crow sensible satrter bike if you do a DA course is something like an SV650 or the ER-6 #
  • 19:09 is at Stafford General Hospital #
  • 19:12 @ NovaWildstar crunchy neck went crunch big time. been poked and prodded waiting on verdict #
  • 19:19 @ ceridwenthecat *scritch* #
  • 19:23 @ NovaWildstar Verdict is neck is crunchy follow up with local GP meantime painkillers and take it easy #
  • 20:41 @ twiggydyke my dodgy neck went badly crunch. Left me feeling woozy and with pins and needles, also a fucktonne of pain. #
  • 20:42 @ twiggydyke On industrial strength pain killers, opiods FTW. Also a months worth of diclofenac at 100mg/day #
  • 20:56 Anyone got a spare healthy neck? #
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