
Sep 25, 2008 18:44

I pulled a lump1 of Dexter beef out of the freezer on Tuesday afternoon. The plan being to cook it yesterday for dinner. However, as plans went somewhat astray, I had pizza last night instead.

Today, though it got pot roasted. My grandmother would probably have roasted it ending up with something chewy and to be honest almost inedible, especially as she liked all meat almost burnt to a cinder very well done. What I ended up with was a piece of cooked beef that was so tender it just fell apart under the knife, and was incredibly scrummy.

I suppose you want a recipe? Well the bad news is there isn't really one as this was ad-hoc cooking. But…

Take heavy oven and hob proof lidded pot such as
Lob in a lump of dripping (you could use oil if you want, but it's just not the same really, trust me on this) and you need to brown the meat on all sides.
Put the browned meat to one side and soften some onions (a couple of medium ones is enough) once they have started to take a little colour bung in some stock and a good sloosh of red whine and return the meat to the pot. At this point I threw in broad beans and the remains of a bag of frozen parsnips. I seasoned it with sea salt, juniper berries, allspice, green peppercorns and added a splosh of balsamic vinegar.
Stick the lid on it and chuck in the oven on about 140C for about 4 hours.

Did I say it was scrummy? Really scrummy? Because it was.

1 lump in this case being a 1kg piece of silverside

beef, food, dexter, pot roast

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