I are deaded

Aug 18, 2008 21:44

Well metaphorically speaking anyway.

I know you've all been dutifully ignoring the posts on my feeble attempts in the gym. As you have all been ignoring things you will of course have missed that I've started swimming again.

I'm actually surprising myself by the fact that I'm enjoying ploughing up and down the pool clocking up the lengths. I'm finding it difficult to decide when to stop though. There is always the "just another couple of lengths" mindset occurring.

However, today I really do think I've over done it. The "just another couple of lengths" came to a close when I started to get a little bit of cramp in my feet. Not big time, but enough to say "Oi, pack it in for the day". By this point I'd swum 50 lengths of the (25m) pool.

Slightly related to this, is that as I become fitter, I'm actually struggling to eat enough. I have so far (and it's gone 9:30pm here) today struggled to eat 1000 cals. This is far less than I've burnt off in the gym and pool (est at 1200cal), and walking to/from the gym and doing housework (probably another 250-300 cal), never mind the 1800 or so cals I need to survive.

It's not that I can't be bothered to eat, it's that I'm not hungry. I'm really not sure what to do TBH.


food, swim, gym

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