"Unicorn" for Image Comics' ELEPHANTMEN

Jan 08, 2012 17:17

I mentioned this in my previous post, but I felt like expanding...

When I was a child, I came down with a case of the mumps. My family was pretty terrified and turned to one of my uncles, who was in possession of a rhinoceros horn. It was extremely rare, expensive, and illegal. (obviously) He stored it wrapped in some soft cloths, and it appeared to have been ground down over years and years of usage to resemble a large river stone. I remember watching as he ground more of the rhino horn inside a mortar to form a grey paste. Contrary to popular Western belief, rhinoceros horn isn't used as an aphrodisiac nor is it taken internally. (at least in my case) The horn paste was applied thickly onto my throat in the hopes that it would ease the swelling.

I don't recall it being particularly effective, as mumps cases tend to run their course over time without treatment. Supposedly, rhinoceros horn carries a Yin quality that is cooling, so it makes sense that they would try to reduce swelling in that manner. Though, I don't even recall being in a great deal of discomfort. But that memory just stands out in my mind as I worked on this piece.

Acrylic and Digital
You can find this illustration featured as the back cover in Image Comics' ELEPHANTMEN #36. Much gratitude to the amazing Richard Starkings for the opportunity.

The title, "Unicorn", was derived from the initial mistake from European explorers that rhinocerii were actually unicorns. I kept this in mind as I designed Sahara's headdress and the overall feel of the unicorn-and-maiden legend...

@ Forbidden Planet. Eee. ♥

medicine, unicorn, richard starkings, art, rhinoceros, elephantmen, image comics, chinese culture

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