It's not as if I don't like you, it just makes me sad whenever I see it...

Feb 12, 2009 16:38

I've just been to Meadowhall. I'm mighty impressed that I managed the roads, it is a bit scary round there. It was good though, I've bought my sister's 18th birthday present, and spent far too much money. Well, I guess it's not that much, I've not been shopping in a while. Was fun though. =) And I have The Inbetweeners on DVD now, yaaay! =)

Back now, and I'm a bit sad. I don't know why. I've been so much more positive recently. Me and Matt have been texting like normal people, which is nice. But I think the reminders of the fact he's seeing someone else are still a bit... rubbish really. I don't think I still want him, it just still makes me sad though. Like there's a tiny little corner of my heart that still loves him. I don't know.

Me, Amy and Gail went out the other night, partly because I wanted to act like a student because I've got the week of work, partly to lament being dumped (well, me and Gail were, not Amy who is in a shiny, happy lovely relationship, meh!). It was fun, we drank many cocktails. And quite a bit of wine. And Amy was very very sick. All over my dress. =S Anyway, nothing that doesn't come out in the wash (yeah, I'm becoming more and more immune to the yuckiness of vomit), and she was paying for it yesterday with the hangover from hell. With hindsight, quite entertaining. =P I also had the 'full Storthes Hall experience'. It was strange to be back. They don't use Slade, where I lived, anymore, apparently it's used as show flats. I went to have a look before I went home, it was crazy to think it's three years since!

Hmm... I'm feeling a bit glum. Maybe some Inbetweeners and the sewing on of my Centenary badge to my Guider uniform will cheer me somewhat. =)

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