The Crazy Life, Part the First - a.k.a. May Trip #2: Sighisoara

May 25, 2011 12:22

Friday, May 20: Packed. Also went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4, because... why not? It was okay, I guess. There was still crack, and Jack was still Jack. I didn't see it in 3D so the ticket price wasn't outrageous, either.

Saturday, May 21: I downloaded and watched the Supernatural season 6 finale, and went to the railway station at noon. The trip to Sighisoara takes two hours and a half by slow train, but I had my shiny mp4 player at hand and listened the hell out of the latest Within Temptation and Tarja Turunen albums. Also, The Scarlet Pimpernel, for I am crazy like that. :)

I reached Sighisoara at around 3:30, met up with scarlethyacinth, frolic_horror and luthien23 at the hostel. The room was fine, if orange and a bit cramped, and the shower was leaky but usable, and overall it was fairly clean. We ate and then went for a quick tour of the town. luthien23 had been to Sighi more recently so she was our unofficial guide. We had pizza and beer... and some yummy donuts on the way back to the hotel because the smell was overwhelming. We also acquired snacks and food for breakfast/dinner.

The evening was spent playing mime and then making up a story. What with us all into slash/yaoi, you can imagine how that went. I believe luthien23 was a bit shy to speak of such things out loud at first, but she got over it fast. scarlethyacinth, frolic_horror and myself were more used to speak of such things, since we've met and had similar conversions before. :3

Sunday, May 22: We had breakfast, and I managed a quick check of my e-mail to find out that that yes, volunteering at TIFF is happening, and no, I couldn't make it to the first volunteers meeting as it was that very day. Oopsie?

We headed out to visit the town. It was pretty awesome, in spite of the beggars that trailed us for a while on the way to the historical centre. Beggars like that are a plight on tourists, I think. *sigh* At any rate, we didn't let that ruin our day, and the weather was nice - warm, but not too much so, and with clouds present. There were many tourists, alone or in larger groups.

We walked around for a bit, then decided to hit the museums. There are only two plus the torture chamber. As we came out of the Medieval Weapons Museum (just 4 rooms with some weaponry) we caught the beginning of a free guided tour the town hall offers every Sunday, so we tagged along. It was awesome and fun. Then we went to see the Torture Chamber and we had pasta and lemonade. :)

After lunch, we walked around some more, saw the History Museum hosted in the Sighisoara Clock Tower (we saw some ancient medical instruments that were scary, let me tell you!), and we took photos from above the city. We descended, and headed back to the hostel. It rained in the afternoon, but we had arrived at the hostel by then. scarlethyacinth and I caught a nap, too.

In the evening, we made up another story, this one less cracked than the previous one, but more porny. Hmmm... I believe we were just starting to get the hang of things, though. luthien23 got a new character out of it, and she drew him too. He turned out quite well, I believe. :P

Monday, May 21: We got up and started packing. We left the hostel at around 10 am. I was the last to leave, on the 11:30 train back to Sibiu. I got back here around 2 pm and went straight to work. Luckily it was a slow day. I was pretty much exhausted in the evening anyway, but it was all worth it!

In true "me" fashion, I took 350+ photos. I would have taken more, but the photo tax at museum/historical buildings was a bit high so I had to make due with the outdoors. I removed the bad ones and the ones with the girls (for privacy's sake), but that still leaves 224 photos, so be prepared when you click on the link. They are resized for easier browsing, but if anything catches your fancy and you want the HQ version, let me know and I'll e-mail/upload it.

Sighişoara Trip - 21-23 May 2011


photos, rl, trips

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