Jun 09, 2009 10:54
I just wanted to update everyone on how things have been with me since it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I still have problems with tingling, pain and numbness in my right hand which is why I haven’t really written any of my pen pals, but I’m going to try and make sure I do it before I have the baby. My husband has moved all of my mail and stuff so I need to try and search for my letters.
I am 38 weeks and had a doctor’s appointment with a u/s yesterday. Her head is measuring at 40 weeks right now, and they’re guessing she weighs around 7lbs 9 ounces so she’s an average sized baby with a big head apparently. I’m 1cm dilated and the doctor tried stripping my membranes yesterday but couldn’t because she hasn’t dropped low enough yet, so my doctor asked how I felt about the situation. I said that it worries me that there’s been no progression of me going in to labor and her head is already at 40 weeks. The longer I wait the bigger her head will be and the harder it’ll be for me to deliver her, and also I’m starting to show signs of developing preeclampsia which obviously isn’t good. So I elected to be induced a week from today! I’ll check in to the hospital Tuesday night and hopefully by sometime Wednesday she’ll be here!
Besides that I’m just trying to get the house clean and ready, everything for her is set up and ready to go, just have to put her bassinette in our bedroom, the car seat in the car and get a hospital bag packed.
Well I’m going to go get ready for the day and start cleaning a bit just wanted to give my friends a brief update on how I’ve been, and I’m definitely going to try and get to writing my pen pals back before I go into the hospital!