So it’s been way too long since I’ve written, and it’s mostly been due to the nerve issues in my right arm, the fact that I’ve been battling a cold and I’m ALWAYS exhausted!
I had an appointment with my OB/GYN yesterday to get an ultra sound to see if the baby is measuring big, or if it’s just me. Well the ultrasound tech said she’s weighing in at 5lbs right now which is exactly where she should be, but apparently her head size is measuring 2 weeks ahead of where I am. I got a few pictures of her face and a foot; I just want to pinch her chubby little toes! I’ll post some pics at the end of my post. Anyways, I guess the reason I’m measuring big is because I have a lot of amniotic fluid, which I was told can cause me to go into early labor and can also cause her to not be head down, since she has so much fluid to swim around in. But, no talk of a C-section yet which is promising. As long as her head stops growing at some point!
I also saw my physical therapist on Monday and I was kind of disappointed. I thought I’d get a massage or something but she just did a bunch of tests and showed me an exercise to do. I guess I’ll be going twice a week, probably until the baby comes. As long as I can get some massages in it’ll be awesome. I still haven’t done thank you cards for my baby shower or written any pen pals back because I can’t grasp anything with my right hand..I think I’m just going to make Josh write the thank you notes and type letters to my pen pals.
Still battling a cold, it’s been a little over a week now. It’s basically just my nose now, and as long as I keep squirting shit up my nose it normally clears up, but it’s just one more thing that makes it hard for me to sleep at night.
Well that’s really all that’s been interesting that’s happened since I wrote last. XOXO to all my friends!
Face shot
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