Oh good ol' school

Apr 01, 2009 21:52

Already, I'm annoyed. Today was my 3rd day of school, all of which consisted of orientation. It was the last hour of the day, and we were filling out quiz answers that our instructor was going over with us.

EVERY.SINGLE.QUESTION on the quiz was interrupted with someone asking a question. Blah blah blah MRSA. Blah blah blah staph. Blah blah blah psych rotation.

You know what people? We all wanted to leave at 4pm. It's great you're curious and you have a thirst for knowledge and all that happy crap, but save your damn questions for the actual CLASSES and SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE!!!. We didn't get out til 4:30 because of these questions, and it was all the same people asking the questions.


So annoying, can you tell?

Then on the drive home, I decided to take an alternate route. Of course the one day I decide to take said alternate route, there's a traffic accident right where the highway intersects the road I took to get there.

But wait! There's more!

A shitbaru jackass driver (that's Subaru for you folk who haven't been annoyed by these cars yet, and also no offense if anyone on my FList has one) cuts me off on the highway. Like he's gonna get real far with traffic crawling at 10 MPH anyway. Idiot.

Was cut off one more time closer to my exit.

People were so annoying today. I'm so glad I have this to vent on.

Getting sleepy now, which is good since I was planning to be in bed by 10 anyway. I have a math class at 8am. D:

Uh, feel free to text me through here people. I could use the distractions. Well, I probably shouldn't, but it would be nice :D

computer, school

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